on 24/8/08 4:14 pm, Jones Beene at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Even if you do not speak Italian - please watch this
> video clip from Italian TV to the end - where you can
> hear and see the explosions at WTC 7 for yourself.
> There are other vids on the web but they are much
> longer than this one.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58h0LjdMry0
> Now - Then tell me honestly that you can still believe
> that NIST was being forthright and honest when they
> state that "we looked into this situation closely and
> found that there was no evidence of an explosion."
> If you are having trouble playing the video, ask
> yourself: Why would an Italian language News Clip be
> among the most viewed videos on YouTube today?

I can't view or hear the clip on my computer.
However, is it possible those explosive sounds
are parts of the building failing inside just before
total collapse? That would be consistent with how the
NIST said the collapse occurred.


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