On Sep 1, 2008, at 12:46 PM, R C Macaulay wrote:

True Jed,
best if it the wording were limited to ...corruption and academic suppression. I am disturbed by the introduction off the racial component.

If you think prejudice is not involved, then read item 26 of Mize's "affidavit":


I would say Dr. Tsoukalas referring to his Indian staff members as "stupid Indians", "useless Indians", and Dr. Tsoukalas further stating that he hated Indians, if true, would be clearly racist and prejudicial on his part. If Mize's "affidavit" is true in this regard, then Purdue is not only a national but an international disgrace if it doesn't remedy the situation quickly. Of course despite her declaring it so, Mize's statement is is not an affidavit unless it is duly sworn and notarized. All the same, Mize's statement strongly supports Dr. Talyarkin's claim in Nature of blatant discrimination against Indian professors, as well as the attempted covering up of the discriminatory acts against Dr. Talyarkin by proceeding further with charges of which Dr. Talyarkin is already cleared. See:

http://www.nature.com/nindia/2008/080901/full/nindia. 2008.271.html;jsessionid=ra8or419yujy

Dr. Talyarkin is so right to say that his sort of treatment cannot be tolerated in a US university. It seems clear at this point the congressional committee previously involved in this case should take further action to see things are made right. Purdue President Martin Jischke's letter to congress discussed "the removal of the head of the school who initially brought the allegations to the University's attention." See:


It indeed seems appropriate, at a minimum, for Purdue to remove the offending parties, and in this case the evidence at hand shows Dr. Talyarkin is not the offending party. Dragging out this kind of nauseating case in esteemed publications like Nature, with high visibility in India, is not in the best national interest. Hopefully this case will be resolved with all possible speed, and all due apologies. It is an embarrassment to Purdue, to the US, and to the scientific community.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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