Could a significant global cooling effect be taking place.? I notice there is a 
deafening silence from Pope Algore and his Church of Global Warming on this 
subject.  It would be very inconvenient for  the selling of  carbon 
indulgences, oops... that's offsets.  Nothing is made of the fact that 2007 saw 
the largest one year drop in average global temperature in recorded history. 
Didn't hear about that did you?  Almost everyone who lives on the real earth, 
rather that the computer climate model earth, has noticed that it's been a lot 
cooler lately.  Where I live in southern California, winter before last winter 
was the coldest since 1948, but of course nothing was made of that in the news. 
 I lost 500 feet of ficus hedge because it froze to death.  There was a massive 
die-out of native plant species in the canyons near my home as well, all frozen.

The fast dancing and circumlocutory nonsense spewing forth from the Global 
Warming Priesthood grasping for some explanation are becoming both shrill and 
comical.  The real reason for climate changes, solar activity, is showing us 
something quite the opposite of Algore's dreamworld. You know, that's the one 
where all of us ride bicycles and starve to death, while Algore flies about in 
his Gulfstream and has a special lane on the road for his fleet of SUVs while 
he grows ever fatter.  Anyone else notice he's begun to resemble a fat Bela 

There has been a total lack of sunspots for a month.  This is not good news, 
either for real people or Algore. This normally indicates a significant colder 
period on the earth, or even an ice age.  We need to get really serious about 
energy supplies, both conventional and new, especially the new ones.  We also 
need to quit whining about genetically modified crops.  If there is a long term 
colder climate, agricultural output will plummet.  More energy and higher crop 
yields in a shorter growing season will be essential to prevent the starvation 
of millions or even billions.

Here is a link to the observations about the lack of sunspots:



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