Rick Monteverde wrote:
> Stephen wrote: >> I don't understand why you seem to feel humans have no
> control over human-generated carbon dioxide.
> How you got that I don't know, but please don't tell me. Of course
> we can control (dramatically reduce) it, for instance by shutting down
> our economy and sharply curtailing personal liberty. That's the solution
> of the socialists who have hijacked a sweet little environmental
> movement concerned with things that really matter, and turned it into
> the giant global warming hoax. We could also reduce it as an incidental
> byproduct of nuking up, or by achieving and implementing a LENR or
> similar technology breakthrough. I'd hate the first, *very* cautiously
> accept the second, and we'd all love the third.
> Here is an excerpt from a document signed by thousands of scientists
> primarily to refute the lie being circulated that scientific debate is
> over and there is an overwhelming consensus in favor of AGW:
> "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon
> dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the
> foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere
> and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial
> scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce
> many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments
> of the Earth."

Sounds like a confession of faith to me.

> I'm not in the mood and I have no free time to start accumulating
> content for the forum on all the evidence out there, searching, cutting
> and pasting, citing references, and then having it all tossed back in my
> face as the threads deteriorate into the non-sequiturs and silliness you
> get when arguing with True Believers.

Yes, I know exactly what you mean.

It's like when someone says that humans only contribute 0.4% to the
Earth's CO2 load which is pretty insignificant, and someone else takes
the time to look it up and finds that what's actually meant is that
humans are causing a 0.4% rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration *every
year*, and that the net rise in global CO2 levels since the start of
heavy human CO2 generation has actually been at least 35% ... and the
person who made the 0.4% claim to start with just ignores the larger
numbers and says anyone who thinks that there might be a problem is just
a "true believer".

Yup, I understand exactly how you feel about folks who disregard the

> Makes me gain even more respect
> for what Jed and others do for LENR/CF.
> Didn't expect such closed mindedness on a forum where being on the short
> end of scientific consensus on controversial subjects is well known to
> most of the participants.
> I share the position held by a significant minority of scientists when
> I see and understand the logic of the case against AGW as superior to
> that which is presented in favor of it. I also see the undesirable
> political conspiracy promoting it. It's clear that many of the active
> posters here don't share those views yet, but I have more than just a
> suspicion that someday they will.
> - Rick

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