I am not sure it will be able to swallow the Apple all at once but it
looks quite nice, see:


where Andy Rubin, chief of Mobile at Google, creator of Android,
demoes it to a BBC interviewer on an unmasked touch screen phone
(probably an early version of the HTC Dream).

Unfortunately it lacks the iPhone's gorgeous multitouch feature and
associated magical two-finger stretching/pinching zoom commands, so
things such as web and photo browsing may not be quite as practical.
OTOH the HTC Dream is said to feature a real keyboard sliding out from
under the screen, but I wouldn't be surprised if the iPhone's
on-screen virtual keyboard turned out to be a better experience
overall, if only because punctuation, figures and accented characters
are much easier to access.


2008/9/18 Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On a lighter note, the first Android was revealed today, sort of:
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/connected/main.jhtml?xml=/connected/2008/09/17/dlgoogle117.xml
> Google demos Android phone at developer day
> By Claudine Beaumont
> Last Updated: 6:01am BST 17/09/2008
> Search giant Google has shown off its new "Google phone" operating
> system ahead of the device's official launch in New York next Tuesday.
> # Google HTC Android phone to be unveiled
> # Telegraph Digital Life homepage
> Mike Jennings, one of the development team behind the Android
> operating system, gave attendees at a Google Developer Day conference
> a glimpse of how to design software for the device.
> The Google HTC Android phone
> He created a simple game showing a blue dot bouncing around the
> phone's screen, which moved as the handset was tilted.
> Although the phone was obscured by masking tape, it is reported to
> have looked like the Dream, a handset developed by Taiwanese
> manufacturer HTC, which is expected to be the first commercially
> available mobile phone to run Android.
> Google and T-Mobile are holding a joint press conference in New York
> next Tuesday, at which they are expected to confirm the launch of the
> HTC Dream and reveal further pricing information as well as details
> about the phone's final operating system.
> <more>
> There's a worm in the Apple.  ;-)
> Terry

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