Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

Under explanations, I see no mention of Hydrinos, except perhaps indirectly in
number 4?

"Creation of clusters of deuterons that interact as units".

Ed wrote that section. I do not know enough about Hydrinos to write about them with confidence. Heck, I do not know enough about any theory.

One of the big problems with these Wiki things has been people who do not know what they are talking about adding comments and editing other people's comments. Since I complain so much about this, I wouldn't want to be guilty of doing it myself.

The other big problem is people adding stuff from sources which are not authoritative. (This is like buying the Republican Party's election-year fantasy version of oil industry requirements instead of reading what oil industry experts say.)

The problem gets even worse when what you assume should be an authoritative source turn out to be bogus. I described an example of this in the talk section:

"I uploaded these graphs partly to address a false but widely believed assertion about cold fusion. It was repeated by David Volk, above: "However, the so-called excess energy produced is nearly always approximately the experimental error, and repeated expertiments with better instrumentation, by the same authors, makes the excess energy diminish or disappear." Volk should not be faulted for believing this. He probably read it in what appears to be an authoritative source, such as the Scientific American which wrote nearly the same thing . . ."

"Figure 3 shows a more recent example of excess heat. Compared to Fig. 2, this
cell produced higher absolute power (~10 W), more excess energy (1.14 MJ), and a
larger ratio of input to output (2500%)."

It should read ".....ratio of output to input (2500%)."

Oops! Thanks. I often get that backwards. Saying "input/output" is second nature to me.

Re: oil industry and the Republican Party, have you ever known George Bush or Dick Cheney to do anything other than what the oil industry demands? Do you think that if the oil industry wanted the offshore limits changed, Bush would have hesitated for a nanosecond? He and the party could have said exactly what they are saying now anytime in the last eight years. There would have been no resistance to changing the limits from the Congress which was under Republican control for six years. McCain is on record and on video saying as recently as this year that he supports the offshore limits. These limits were passed by the first President Bush. "Blaming" them on the Democrats is political theater at its most preposterous.

- Jed

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