>From Mike Carrell:

>> From: "Jones Beene"
>> Although the problems of any large country like the USA moving to a
>> hydrogen economy are too severe to even consider, at least without many
>> breakthroughs in a number of fields - and in all likelihood we cannot afford
>> H2 as even a partial solution for transportation fuel with present
>> technology, there is one bit of bright news in hydrogen storage - titanium.
> MC: Jones is forgetting BlackLight Power, about which he wrote a slightly
> negative artice for New Energy Times. BLP has made a significant
> breakthrough with its "solid fuel" technology and is now moving toward
> commercialization with a utility scale reactor and local hydrogen generators
> for hydrogen-converted cars. These are a couple of years away yet, but the
> basic technology is in place.
> Mike Carrell

Yet ANOTHER topic worthy of debate on vortex while we wait for new and
interesting AE developments to surface. There does seems to have been
a dearth of interesting AE news lately. This has been obvious by the
number of off topic discussions running rampant on this discussion
list. Of course, I'm guilty as charged too, having contributed my own
two-cents to the OT god. But then, we do have an election less than
two months away, so it's understandable that there have been
distractions and increased literary friction. ;-)

Mills' "solid fuel" technology is indeed an interesting topic. There
has been occasionally interesting discussion on how challenging
(difficult) it is likely be to commercialize the process. Mills, of
course, being the ever-optimist spokesperson for BLP sez, 12 - 18
months tops. I suspect few on this group are as optimistic. I suspect
few here believe BLP will be succeed in constructing a real prototype,
one that presumably would silence his many critics forever, utterly
and profoundly, within 12 - 18 months.

Nevertheless, I remain guardedly optimistic. My prediction: Maybe
within five years - if BLP is lucky. I do agree with Mr. Carrell on
the point that I'm sure BLP has or is in the process of hiring a lot
of smart people possessing sufficient savvy to complete the daunting
task. Hopefully we in the peanut gallery will continue receiving
encouraging progress reports along the way.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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