Who benefits?

Russia - We are stretched too thin to respond to their actions.
China-  We need their money and are willing to sell our companies cheap.
Military-Industrial-Complex-  The bigger the threat, the more they make.
Europe - The weaker we are, the less competition we are for them.
International Corporations - The weaker the dollar, the more they make.
Muslims countries - The weaker we are, the less able we are to counter their actions.
iran - They will get the bomb because we are weaker.

Who loses?

The Republican party and its philosophy.
The Bush legacy.
You and I


On Sep 28, 2008, at 12:34 PM, R C Macaulay wrote:

The common demoninator is the economy. When some group planned the destruction of the USA, our achilles heel is the economic model we have. Start a war on credit like LBJ did during Vietnam and Bush did in Afghanistan and Iraq. and simply stand back and watch. The question is.. who benefits and who profits?.. not the muslim nations, not Europe,not Africa or South America, not India, China or Russia.. ask yourself who is left.


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