TO ALL & to wit:  I agree: the CAPITALS are ANNYOYING; however, my style is a 
make-shift literary prosthesis for a 'incipient dislexia condition;'  however I 
'see' mulit-dextrously.~;-)  It's difficult for me to 'express' in 
linear-script, so that the CAPTITALS kind've come out reflexively like 
TOURETTES! # % & $ @! in print.~;-)

So please forgive the 'terminally redundant' style:  This is cleaned-up a bit.  
Jake Harbach-O'Sullivan

TRIGGER SHRIMP holds the key to our BIG BANG birth out of DARKENERGY-DARKFLOW 
SuperCosmos PARENT Aexoverse!

* * * AKNOWLEDGEMENT to 'Mooj' the Metrologist and J. Fields of Austin 
Instruments for their synchronistic 'CAVITATION'BRAIN-STORM. . . which I agree 
with absolutely and with DELIGHT!

* * * PUMBA & the TRIGGERshrimp 'R' right! * * * DarkSpace Gyro-toroidal 
Maelstroms become Hyper-Speed/Dense & GravionicCentrific and thusly 
precipitously collapse upon the LOW-DENSITY incipient singularty eye-sphincter 
which they have created attheir respective CENTRES.  And thusly like the 
TRIGGERSHRIMP and PUMBA in a pond they 'Fire' sub-EC^3cubed-just below 
DarkSpace/DarkEnergy threshold hyper-plasma through the eye-sphincter and 
thusly BIG-BANG a new BUBBLE-UNIVERSE of whichDarkSpace rountinely an infinite 
myriad champagne of, OF WHICH our own Low-Density Space-Time Normal home bubble 
universe is but one of. It is quite possible that a 'single Cavitative-Collapse 
BIG-BANG Expulsion event can fan out a MULTIPLE ARRAY of bubble universesinto 
the current dynamics of Parent DarkSpace of which some might even be TWINNED, 
&/or CONJOINED, &/or in MULTIPLE CLUSTERforms of mini-multiverses. GLOSSARY OF 
TERMS: A 'Seemless Whole' Unified-Field Hyper-Gravity/DarkSpace Theory.' #1.  
AE=EC^3ubed=DARK SPACE= Parent Aexoverse=Dark Energy & also Dark Energy ingress 
to DarkSpace via BLACK-HOLE singularities=Adjacent Space 'back-of-tapestry' for 
ALL atomic protons-hadrons as Gray-HoleIncipient singularity Electro-Valent 
System rather than JUST being solo-discreet particle clusters. *KEY:  
Modification of term 'E' for Energy as specified ONE ENERGY as theoretical 
PILLAR. . .  #2.  'E'=ONE ENERGY=Base Ambient Energy Average Speed-Density for 
Interstellar Sheet-SpaceTimeNormal. #3.  Solving for 'M'-mass modification of 
classic Einstein E=MC^2quared-----to now read----M=EC^2quared.AND THUSLY 
multiplying for 'M'-mass(galactic mass atomic average &/or Mass of ONE-HYDROGEN 
respectively)by 'C'-light-speed identifies the GRB-Bubble Universe outer 
DarkSpace bounary where the atom-gray hole singularitycentres become 
BLACK-HOLEized as simultaneously does also the balanced GRAY-HOLE Galactic 
Singularity Centre.And thusly from our BIG-BANG paroxismal WHITE-HOLE birth out 
of DarkSpace to the RE-ingress of galactic-mass@ 'C' Light Speed at the outer 
Bubble Universe Border with DarkSpace; it thusly constitutes a great Dark-Space 
High-Density to Low-Density to High-Density CIRCULATING SUPERCOSMIC SYSTEM.  
And this in formula is simply M=EC^2quared--->and--->AE=EC^3ubed. #4.  
EC=simply LIGHT= average photonic energy speed-density. * * *Exerpt from 'The 
Dream Dancers' * * * The Dream-time sang in the night.  The sound of the 
digereedoo playing 'was' the very air all around in the darkness that was full 
of wildly gyrating dancing firelight shadows.And this pantheon was hidden in 
the small clearing of the sweet-gum forest while the taller than normal 
blackfellas ruled the 'Worldfor this moment that they danced this borning new 
age of timelessness into our 'normal' plane of existence for the entire planet 
it seemed.   These all straw-headed aboriginals seemed like alien leaping 
mantis like beings whose shadows cavorted in their perculiar 
stamp-danceceremony cast surreally against the forest walls. And they would say 
that the 'whitefellas' soon need to get used to 'time' going around kind of all 
'sideways' & not reallying beingexactly 'time' anymore.  And they would be 
grinning in their sly good humoured way as they said it. Could these be the 
very beings that had sang-danced a column of living sparks from there at Gordon 
Cooper's outback monitoring stationup to envelope John Glen's orbiting capsule 
high above? Yes;  "there are more things in Heaven & Earth than we have ever 
dreamed of in our philosophies Horatio!"  (Old Will)     
This sounds like our ideas merged:  DARK FLOW! & ! ! ! CAVITATION EVENT ! ! ! 
!~;-)* * * CONSIDER:  The DarkEnergy/DarkFlow HYPERSPACE/SUPERCOSMOS Aexoversal 
Medium supporting FRACTALATING EDDIES characterized as HYPERDENSE 
TOROID-MAELSTROMS that create gyroscopically HYPER-HYPER SPEED DENSE ring 
Gravionic-Centrific OUTPULLING-STRESS upon the NEEDLE-POINT EYE--------creating 
a LOW-PRESSURE POINT BELOW the EC^3ubed base-ambient speed-density level of 
BREACH and engendering the PAROXYSMAL SYPHON EFFECT from the the LOW PRESSURE 
UNIVERSE-BUBBLE's point of view is more-or-less it's BIG-BANG BIRTH MOMENT. . . 
and this at the sudden COLLAPSE of the Dark Energy/Dark Flow toroid when its 
gyro-centrific & hyper-gravionic density suck it back 'shut' around its 
low-density eye/insipient singularity, PLASMA-BREACH eye/centre zone. AND 
ADDING TO THIS:  The likely hood that at that same moment in EQUILIBRIUM that 
PAROXISMAL CAVITATION firing (like a 'Trigger Shrimp) & thusly suddenly 
super-inflating our UNIVERSE-BUBBLE via the sudden collapse of our parent Dark 
Flow Toroid Maelstrom's low-density singularity eye-sphincter. And in my 
terminally redundant style; this again as the  HYPERSPACE-PARENT DARK ENERGY 
EC^3ubed Base Ambient Spectrum Speed-Density Plateau level, that it would also 
then PAROXISMALLY---------------->! ! ! COLLAPSE UPON ITSELF thusly creating 
the 'TRIGGER-SHRIMP' 'Cavitation Event.'  And that in turn would give our BIG 
BANG just the FURIOUS PAROXISMAL 'boost' that it would need to overcome the 
tendency for our BIRTH BIG-BANG WHITE-HOLE to turn 'Black-Hole from 'our' side 
&and said Dark-Energy Toroidal Maelstrom Singularity Centre Sphincter rather 
NOT SUCK OUT our newly born baby BUBBLE-UNIVERSE back into Dark Energy-Dark 
Flow adjacent HyperSpace (again) by becoming a classic BLACK HOLE SINGULARITY 
and thus aborting our 'Trigger Shrimp' BIG-BANG Birth! ! ! Fortunate that!~;-)  
* * *//HADRON//Suisse//Plasma-Breach(incipient) Gray-Hole Sub-Singularity DARK 
FLOW ACCESSING Reactor(aka Modified SuperConductor-Hadron Super 
Collider)=Functional Access 'Adjacent Dark Energy SUPERCOSMOS-HyperSpace 
Hyper-Density-Hyper Gravity Energy Field for LIMITLESS POWER PRODUCTION via 
Self-Sustaining Bleed-through (quasi-wormhole) induction 
toroid-superconductor-ring 'Plasma-Breach' reactors & THE BIG PLUS adaptation 
for Hyper Gravity PROPULSION velocities which promise to handily ECLIPSE 
LIGHT-SPEED by several exponents. . . > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> CC:> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mysterious New 
'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space> Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 18:31:15 -0500> > On 
Thu, 25 Sep 2008 09:02:06 -0800, you wrote:> > >> >On Sep 25, 2008, at 7:05 AM, 
Harry Veeder wrote:> >> >>> >>> Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space> 
>>> By Clara Moskowitz> >>> Staff Writer> >>> posted: 23 September 2008> >>> 
12:46 pm ET> >>>> >>>> >>> As if the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy 
weren't vexing> >>> enough, another baffling cosmic puzzle has been 
discovered.> >>>> >>> Patches of matter in the universe seem to be moving at 
very high> >>> speeds and in a uniform direction that can't be explained by any 
of> >>> the known gravitational forces in the observable universe.> >>> 
Astronomers are calling the phenomenon "dark flow."> >>>> >>> The stuff that's 
pulling this matter must be outside the observable> >>> universe, researchers 
conclude.> >> >> >Another alternative explanation is that the stuff is being 
*pushed* > >by an invisible clump of negative gravitational charge matter that 
is > >located in the visible part of the universe.> > ---> Is there any 
evidence of that?> > A hypothesis which I posited here, a couple of years or so 
ago,> conjectured that there was no big bang but, instead, a cavitation event> 
which occurred in an infinite or nearly infinitely massive Universe> which 
created our universe; a bubble surrounded by a huge block of Swiss> cheese, the 
Universe, for want of a better analogy.> > If my hypothesis is correct, the 
accelerating red shift of the galaxies> receding toward the "wall" can be 
easily accounted for by the inverse> square law increasing attraction as the 
matter in our universe hurtles> toward the wall.> > JF
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