I volunteer for ACORN near election times to help run such voter
registration desks.  No, we go out of our way to fill out registration
papers for EVERYONE who asks to.  If they can't provide proper
documentation to us, we send it in, with a note saying, could not
verify, may not be legal voter.

Which, if you'd dig your head out of your ass where its firmly
entrenched, and read the actual news reports, is WHAT HAPPENED with
this whole ACORN supposed scam.  They fowarded every single app
recieved (which they are legally REQUIRED to do, it is not ACORN's job
to determine validity, or any other get out the vote operation) and
sent a big stack with a note saying, double check these ones, we
believe they might be invalid.

Ohh yes, horrible horrible ACORN.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 11:36 PM, thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jed Rothwell opined;
>>It is utterly absurd for McCain or any other politician to cite ACORN as a
>> >threat to democracy
> The Acorn people have gone out of their way to register people who don't
> have a right to vote. I don't understand why the Debold system doesn't have
> a paper based electronic system, like we do in Minnesota. But it's clear to
> those of us on the right, that the Democrat's agenda is to win, and the law
> be damned. The right wing blogisphere has been all other the Acorn matter,
> and energizing the base is a good thing. Another example of this is Hugh
> Hewitt's book, It It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat.
> You have to understand that as much as you fear a Republican victory, we
> fear a Democratic victory.
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