... "better stamdomg"??? -  I meant "better standing". Jeez! dyslexia
strikes again.


Steven Vincent Johnson

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 8:05 AM, OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From Steven Krivit:
>> Purdue University Changes Rules for Misconduct Investigations
>> http://newenergytimes.com/blog/
>> Now, both the inquiry and allegation committees can make new allegations as
>> well as charge them. All are the same: accuser, judge and jury.
>> The new rules, which do not apply retroactively to Taleyarkhan's
>> investigation, confirm that Purdue violated its previous rules, which were
>> in effect during Taleyarkhan's investigation.
>> UCLA initiates investigation into Purdue research
> Thanks for the update Steve,
> At first glance one could speculate that this would not bode well for
> Dr. Taleyarkhan since Purdue has now appeared to have changed the
> rules of engagement, giving themselves far more flexibility in
> determining the preferred outcome.
> However, NET has forced this issue to become much more public than I
> would speculate was its original intent.
> Maybe a tactic Purdue will now attempt to follow will be to simply
> wait it out - drag the new "investigation" on for years, hoping most
> observers on the outside will simply lose interest in the fiddlebits.
> Then, when nobody is watching anymore - make a final ruling as quietly
> and as discretely as possible.
> I hope Taleyarkhan will at least come out in better stamdomg, like a
> restoration of his original salary (plus a little compensation) and
> reinstatement of prior revolked responsibilities, but who really knows
> at this juncture.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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