Thanks for that comment Thomas, but my credentials are nowhere close to Ed's - 
and consist of mainly having been around the scene for 19 years with a strong 
interest (60 hour weeks) in trying to understand what is happening on a much  
broader front than LENR alone. 

However, having said that - If given the chance to influence funding, I would 
probably disappoint many of the entrenched researchers, even Ed, who want 
(correctly)  to fully understand what is happening before moving on..

I think the 'big picture' situation is so dire that we must use a large chunk 
of whatever funding comes along in a calculated gamble - such that even if we 
do not understand the situation well enough, we do know enough to jump-start 
the the "applied technology" by going ahead with actual devices. There would 
still be basic R&D but there would also be a concurrent jump-start program.

By that, I would suggest water-heaters and home heating as the initial product 
and solicit designs from present manufacturers of those products who were 
willing to work with people like Ed to try to leap over the normally accepted 
way these things proceed. 

In other words we would use the Manhattan project of a model for how to cut 20 
years off the traditional process (of going from lab to factory floor in small 
well-understood steps) - and allow the project to use maximum over time and 
double shifts and expect a commercial product in six months. It will not be 
perfect, but from then on, we use the Model-T approach of of weekly 
improvements. We must be able to do this in the face of falling oil prices as 
well, as that is a false-enticement to go slower. OPEC already pulled that 
trick out of the hat in the early seventies.

This proto-plan would also mean that Mills/BLP would be in a favored position 
in such a scenario - since at least they have demonstrated something that 
points in the firm direction of a water heater using alternative fuel.

However, it might be necessary to compensate BLP for expected future patent 
royalties, with or without their approval, and commandeer the IP for use by 
others -- in a kind of national competition.

And, to the further disappointment of Mills, I would insist that he (or one of 
the grantees of the hydrino technology) try to run the system on deuterium, to 
see how that change affects things; and also to try to integrate the hydrino 
into a hybrid hot reactor (fission or fusion) !

Bottom line - most researchers who want to proceed with business-as-usual, even 
at greatly increased funding levels, better look for someone less-radical and 
less-frightened about of the direction our society is headed.


----- Original Message ----
From: thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Edmund Storms wrote:

> OK Thomas, suppose your letter is believed and answered. Exactly how  
> would you propose this money be spent and by whom? You can say, this  
> is not your concern.  However, somebody has to provide the answer.  
> This is impossible unless the field can agree on what the consensus  
> thinks is the best approach.  Would you want the loudest or the most  

I'd suggest a board of open minded people to spread the aforementioned 
money around. People with credentials.  I'd like to nominate you and 
Jones Beene.

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