Table 1: Langmuir's Symptoms of Pathological Science 



The maximum effect that is observed is produced by a causative agent of
barely detectable intensity, and the magnitude of the effect is
substantially independent of the intensity of the cause. 


The effect is of a magnitude that remains close to the limit of
detectability or, many measurements are necessary because of the very low
statistical significance of the results. 


There are claims of great accuracy. 


Fantastic theories contrary to experience are suggested. 


Criticisms are met by ad hoc excuses thought up on the spur of the moment. 


The ratio of supporters to critics rises up to somewhere near 50% and then
falls gradually to oblivion. 



3.1 Baconian Inductivism vs. Data Selection

As a basis for their discussion of how science actually works, Woodward and
Goodstein examine critically the theories of the scientific method that are
due to Francis Bacon ([1620] 1994) and Karl Popper (1972). Baconian
inductivism prescribes that scientific investigation should begin with the
careful recording of observations; and as far as possible, these
observations should be uninfluenced by any theoretical preconceptions. When
a sufficiently large body of such observations has been accumulated, the
scientist uses the process of induction to generalize from these
observations a hypothesis or theory that describes the systematic effects
seen in the data. 

On the contrary, Woodward and Goodstein assert that "Historians,
philosophers, and those scientists who care are virtually unanimous in
rejecting Baconian inductivism as a general characterization of good
scientific method." Woodward and Goodstein argue that it is impractical to
record all one observes and that some selectivity is required. They make the
following statement: 

But decisions about what is relevant inevitably will be influenced heavily
by background assumptions, and these ... are often highly theoretical in
character. The vocabulary we use to describe the results of measurements,
and even the instruments we use to make the measurements, are highly
dependent on theory. This point is sometimes expressed by saying that all
observation in science is "theory-laden" and that a "theoretically neutral"
language for recording observations is impossible. 

I claim that in the context of computer simulation experiments, this
statement is simply untrue. By using portable simulation software, we can
achieve exact reproducibility of simulation experiments across computer
platforms--that is, the same results can be obtained whether the simulation
model is executed on a notebook computer with a 16-bit operating system or
on a supercomputer with a 64-bit operating system. Moreover, the
accumulation of relevant performance measures within the simulation model
can be precisely specified in a way that is completely independent of any
theory under investigation. Thus we can attain Feynman's ideal of "a kind of
utter honesty" in which every simulation analyst has available the same
information with which to evaluate the performance of proposed theoretical
or methodological contributions to the field. In my view, it is impossible
to overstate the fundamental importance of this advantage of simulated
experimentation; and we are deeply indebted to the developers and vendors of
simulation software who have taken the trouble and expense to provide us
with the tools necessary to achieve the reproducibility that is an essential
feature of all legitimate scientific studies. 

According to Woodward and Goodstein, Baconian inductivism leads to the
potentially erroneous and harmful conclusion that data selection and
overinterpretation of data are forms of scientific misconduct, while a less
restrictive view of how science actually works would lead to a different set
of conclusions. In many prominent cases of pathological science, the root of
the problem was data selection ("cooking") that may have been subconscious
but was nonetheless grossly misleading. In addition to the case of
Blondlot's nonexistent N rays, Langmuir and Hall (1989) and Broad and Wade
(1982) detail several other noteworthy cases of such cooking and
overinterpretation of experimental data in the fields of archaeology,
astronomy, geology, parapsychology, physics, and psychology. I claim that
whatever the theoretical deficiencies of Baconian inductivism may be, they
have no bearing on the field of computer simulation; moreover, there are
sound practical reasons for insisting that researchers in all fields should
avoid selection or overinterpretation of data that has even the appearance
of pathological science. 

3.2 Validating vs. "Cooking" Simulation Models

Because simulationists work far more closely with the end users of their
technology than specialists in many other scientific disciplines, we are
sometimes exposed to greater pressure from clients or sponsors to fudge or
"cook" our models to yield anticipated or desired results. With the advent
of powerful special- and general-purpose simulation environments including
extensive animation capabilities, such model-cooking is far easier for
simulationists to carry out than it is for, say, atmospheric physicists. 

In addition to intentional model-cooking, there is the danger of
unintentional self-deception resulting from faulty output analysis. In many
of the cases of self-deception documented in Langmuir and Hall (1989) and
Broad and Wade (1982), the most notable common feature was the
experimenter's attempt to detect visually an extremely faint signal in
situations where auxiliary clues enabled the experimenter to know for each
trial observation whether or not the signal was supposed to be present. For
example in the N-ray experiments described previously, Blondlot could see
the scale measuring the current position of the thread coated with luminous
paint. With each change in the thread's position, Blondlot knew if he was
supposed to see a brightening of the thread--and thus he was able to deceive
himself into "seeing" effects that other experimenters could not reproduce.
In the context of simulation experiments, animation can be one of the
primary visual means for self-deception. Equally dangerous is faulty output
analysis based on visual inspection of correlograms, histograms, confidence
intervals, etc., computed from an inadequate volume of simulation-generated
data. With all of these simulation tools, there is the ever-present danger
of seeing things that simply do not exist or of not seeing things that do

To guard against cooking a simulation model or its outputs, simulationists
should place much greater emphasis on meaningful, honest validation of their
models as accurate representations of the corresponding target systems. To
reemphasize the role of validation in the field of computer simulation, we
need fundamental advances in both the practice and theory of model
validation. So far as I know, the simulation literature contains very little
documentation of real-world applications in which a simulation model was
carefully validated. A comprehensive methodology for validating simulation
models is detailed in Knepell and Arangno (1993) and Sargent (1996), but it
not clear that many practitioners and researchers have given due
consideration to either the implementation or the extension of this
methodology. I believe that we need to pay much greater attention to
simulation model validation in teaching and research as well as in practical


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