Woke up thinking about "dark matter", and I hope it was not an omen for 
anything more serious than an impending recession <g>. However, it could be 
related to a nemesis of another kind, so to speak... to be explained at the end.

Anyway, it has been noted that the names "dark matter" and "dark energy" serve 
mainly as expressions - or more like admissions - of profound human ignorance 
about our universe. Cosmologists do not like to own-up to this, but it is true 
that the inability to determine the nature of this "missing mass", which is 
more than 90% of the universe, is the most embarassing failure in cosmology, 
and perhaps in all of physics. 

One naive definition which is out there for dark matter suggests that most of 
hwat is 'missing' (which is detectable from gravity interactions) in 
non-baryonic and does not interact with the electromagnetic force - which would 
exclude hydrinos (Hy) from consideration. Of course, few of the cosmologists 
who crafted the underlying assumptions for this definition, are even aware of 
the evidence for the Hy species - and have not yet factored it into 
consideration. That will change.

There is a more inclusive definition of dark matter which includes 
"hard-to-detect" baryonic matter. BTW baryon are protons and neutrons but other 
unstable baryons exist as well. Baryons are a subset of the hadrons (which are 
all of the particles made of quarks) and which participate in the strong 

The density of ordinary baryons and radiation in the universe is about one 
hydrogen atom per cubic meter of space but (as inferred from gravitational 
effects) that is only about 4% of the total energy density which can be seen 
directly. A good site from NASA which leads to other good sites is:


In NASAs current view, about 20-25% of the rest of the universe is thought to 
be composed of dark matter and the remaining 70+ % to consist of dark energy. 
This is all based on assumptions which could change with any new discovery. 
Therefore "hard-to-detect" baryonic matter is the looming "wild card" in this 
discussion, which is believed to make some contribution to the identity of dark 
matter, but no one knows how much. 

The main problem which I see for identifying most of dark matter with hydrinos 
is the (supposed) strong magnetic field of the hydrino, which should cause 
pronounced clumping instead of diffusion. 

What is the gain in magnetic field strength when monatomic hydrogen is forced 
into redundancy (putative) at various levels (i.e. the first few levels of 
hydrino)? If Mills knows, I cannot yet find a good reference for it. But the 
sample material BLP has collected, if there is much of it in there, should be 
stronger than any permanent magnet when aligned but one suspects that there is 
only micrograms not grams which have been collected.

For normal hydrogen, the electron is at a distance r equal to ~0.5*10^-10m from 
the proton. The electrostatic force acting on the electron is equal to F(el)  = 
 8.2 *10^-10N. The magnetic force acting on the same electron, however is F 
(mag) = 3.5*10^-5N  which is more than 1000 times stronger than the electric 
force. This is very important for appreciating what happens following 

I would have thought that this is addressed in CQM and it probably is, in later 
editions, plus my old version is not indexed. Can anyone direct me to the 
citation? I was able to find from other sources that the internal magnetic 
field of monatomic H is (apparently) .4 Tesla. I had thought it would be much 
higher. This figure comes from the red H-alpha line of hydrogen via the 
application of the Schrodinger equation gives the wavelength of 656.47 nm for 
hydrogen and 656.29 nm for deuterium. The difference  is about 0.2 nm and the 
splitting of each of them is about 0.016 nm, corresponding to an energy 
difference of about 4.5*10^-5 eV corresponding to an internal magnetic field on 
the electron of about 0.4 Tesla.

If the radius drops to 1/3 in a 54.5eV "hole" does the reverse-square rule mean 
that the field is nine times stronger? following which it just keeps 
going-and-going? Dunno.

This would likely mean that any putative "hard-to-detect" baryonic matter 
composed of Hy, if it is out there in large quantities, is constantly 
accumulating due to the intense mutual attraction, and probably constantly 
forming into something akin to cold neutron stars - once a certain density is 

This can be a clue as to where some of this "hard-to-detect" baryonic matter 
will be found eventually - not as diffuse atoms in interstellar gaps but as 
cold dense i.e. quasi-neutron stars which formed in an entirely different way 
than from supernovae - and probably exist in far greater numbers than can be 
inferred from the rare collapse a supernova.

In fact we already be onto discovering many candidates for this cold dark 
accumulation- which have been detected by the Swift and Chandra satellites - 
one being the smallest class of known stars. These are very difficult to detect 
unless close by - because they are cold, and it is not surprising that we have 
missed them up till recently. The study mentioned below is/was part of a 
program that
looks for magnetic fields in these ultracool dwarfs:


But that mentioned star is far from a rarity and the only candidate. I think 
that if and when Mills work convinces more skeptics of the reality of this 
species - that we could see a new chapter in cosmology opening up. It would not 
even surprise me if one of them were even a close neighbor. 

That would be 'nemesis'. Nemesis has always been thought to be a hypothetical 
red dwarf star, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 70,000 AU and beyond 
the Oort cloud, which we know to be cold. The existence of this star was 
postulated to explain the periodicity in the rate of biological extinction in 
the geological record. 

Perhaps the reason that we do not see a red dwarf where one should be, for this 
nemesis postulate to be correct - is that it is an ultracold dwarf instead of a 
hot red dwarf. Perhaps it is composed mostly, or partly, of cold solar 
hydrinos; and perhaps it gets bigger every time it passes through the Oort 
cloud. Perhaps we will discover it when we start looking for a magnetic 
signature, not a photonic signature.

You heard it first on Vortex <g> ... which a few readers prefer to think of as 
edging closer to SciFi than SciMy (which is 'what I was taught') ... so be it...


  • [Vo]:Dark Matter & Hy magnetism Jones Beene

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