Jed Rothwell wrote:.

Anyway, Obama is a conservative person and I am sure he will not go for anything radical. His proposals for health care will not put the insurance companies out of business, the way many European plans did, decades ago. Whatever the

What I remember from B Husein's acceptance speach is that he wants to win a second term, which he won't do if he tanks the economy. OTOH, if someone were to show up with a F E machine ready to go to market, and he were to put the full faith and credit of the government behind it, America could be independent of foreigh oil in four years. $750 billion would go a long way towards stimulating the economy, but that doesn't count electrical generation. If he were to demand I P protection from the Chinese, and lean on them to clean up their CO2 emissions. That could easily push the amount over $1 trillion.

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