Jed Rothwell wrote:

Jones Beene wrote:

Perceptive ... or  were you kidding?

Its sounds almost like the kind of shrug where John Galt/Gordon Gekko is thinking about dumping a past-life of laissez-faire, greed-is-good capitalism in favor of the B-team?

I don't care for Rand or her books, but I would like to note that her hero, John Galt, invents a mysterious power station that outputs electricity with no apparent source of fuel. It occurred to me many years ago that Rand must have imagined this as some sort of nuclear reactor. It is a standalone, no maintenance unit similar to the Hyperion gadget

When I was young and foolish I was quite infatuated
with Ms Rand's ideas. I read all of her books. The energy machine mentioned in Atlas Shrugged cohered the ZPE. A S is a novel, a fanciful scenario, which won't happen because entrepreneurs are people, and all people want to be rich.

There is a body of evidence to suggest that They (The Oligarchy) restricted the development of ZPE based technology. If this is true, than I believe that Rand's foolish ideas were truly ironic.

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