>  Quantum untanglement: Is spookiness under threat?
>     * 02 November 2007
>     * NewScientist.com news service
> Recent experiments have gone further and tried to establish which 
> of  
> the two ideas has to go: locality or realism. They concluded that 
> we  
> have to abandon the idea of an objective reality (New Scientist, 23 
> June, p 30). All of this rests on the fundamental assumption that  
> Bell's original argument was sound, and most physicists have 
> accepted  
> his conclusions for 40 years. But if Christian is right, they've 
> been  
> overlooking an alternative all this time.
> Bell assumed the hidden variables in his argument would be familiar 
> numbers, akin to the value of a velocity or a mass. Such numbers 
> obey  
> the ordinary rules of algebra, including a law that says that the  
> order of multiplication doesn't matter - so that, for example, 2 × 
> 5  
> equals 5 × 2. This property of multiplication is called 
> commutation.  
> The idea that hidden variables are commuting numbers might seem so  
> basic as to be beyond question, but Christian argues it is 
> important  
> to question this point because mathematicians know that different  
> kinds of variables needn't obey commutative algebra. Take rotations 
> in space, for example. They differ fundamentally from ordinary  
> numbers in one important respect: the order of rotations matters 
> (see  
> Diagram). Rotations do not commute.
> In 1843, the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton found a way 
> to capture this non-commuting property in a set of number-like  
> quantities called quaternions. Later, the English mathematician  
> William Clifford generalised Hamilton's quaternions into what 
> modern  
> mathematicians call Clifford algebra, widely considered the best  
> mathematics for representing rotations. So convenient are 
> quaternions  
> that they are commonly used in computer graphics and aviation.
> So why is all this important? Christian argues that the existence 
> of  
> this other algebra reveals a weakness at the core of Bell's proof:  
> the only hidden variables Bell considered were ordinary numbers. 
> But  
> ordinary numbers are not the be all and end all. "Why should  
> theorists be obliged to remain unimaginative and consider only  
> commuting numbers in their theories?" Christian says.
> Was Bell wrong?
> He claims that Bell's argument no longer leads to its impressive  
> conclusion if you allow that hidden variables can have other  
> algebraic properties. Following the logic through, Christian shows  
> that a local, realistic model can actually reproduce everything 
> that  
> quantum theory can. Christian concludes that Bell's theorem is 
> simply  
> not equipped to say whether or not hidden variables are a possible  
> explanation for non-local quantum effects. "When I started out  
> looking at this, it never occurred to me that Bell's theorem might  
> turn out to be wrong," says Christian. "But that's what I found."
> Einstein might have been relieved, and it's a shot in the arm for  
> those seeking a deeper reality beyond quantum theory that might be  
> more "reasonable" and akin to classical physics. At this early 
> stage,  
> however, many physicists consider it too good to be true.
> Philippe Grangier at the Institute of Optics in Orsay, France, is 
> one  
> of those who believe Christian's claim is unwarranted. "The 
> argument  
> is just too remote from Bell's hypothesis to have anything relevant 
> to say about his theorem," he says. "It might be worth considering 
> as  
> an alternate formulation of quantum mechanics, maybe with a more  
> 'realistic' flavour, but the 'disproof' argument simply makes no 
> sense."

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