Verner: Cold fusion: And the heat goes on

By Gayle Verner, Guest columnist
Posted Nov 23, 2008 @ 12:18 AM


There isn't a day that goes by where we don't hear the national angst over
alternative energy; it's predominately either wind or solar, end of

Many may think this subject is a big yawn.

I, on the other hand, am furious.

What about the other energy - from sea water?

We used to call it cold fusion, but it's been so unfairly disparaged over
the years that you have to be careful who you tell.

Simply put, it's energy from fusing the heavy hydrogen atoms found in the
ocean with a piece of precious metal and a jolt of electricity; ultimately,
you get more heat out than you put in.

The result?

Another clean energy source - at room temperature.

One day this kind of energy-from-water could substitute for all the Earth's
oil reserves.

The harnessing and perfecting of this process continues to this day, making
way for higher-efficient water boilers, alternative energy systems for cars
and even potable water.

In 1989, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, two electrochemists from Utah
and England, discovered it, publicizing a primitive version of the process.

Ironically, it was at the same time of Exxon Valdez's oil spill in Alaska's
pristine waters - and the same beautiful area where Gov. Sarah Palin speaks
of with so much awe.

At first, the pair received thunderous applause.

Problem was, few could reproduce it. For a variety of reasons, including
pending patents, they released partial details of their experiments to the
world. It was like an incomplete recipe for a cake, not to mention a recipe
for disaster when the media turned on them.

Their praise turned to ridicule, biased accusations of fraud and disdain.

It "simply can't exist," detractors told the world, claiming it flies in the
face of conventional physics where fusion supposedly can only occur in the
multi-million degree sun.

The "fraud" word circulated, unfairly, sticking like gum to an old shoe.

Bottom line? The scientists rolled up their sleeves.

Growing vigilant over accuracy and slaving over their experiments, the cold
fusioneers defended both the scientific process and their work to mob-like,
powerful, reactionary scientists who just didn't "get it."

Early in August, I attended the International Conference on Cold Fusion-14
in Washington, D.C. More than 180 attended, including a number of
prestigious scientists from the most highly acclaimed laboratories around
the world.

Not too shabby for a technology that "doesn't exist."

So far, these scientists have designed devices and systems to better measure
and control workable reactions. They have shown higher, robust levels of
power than ever, ultra clean, non-radioactive energy production with no CO2

And there have been thousands of publications showing positive results, from
some of the finest scientific minds on the planet.

Why do these people remain resilient? Because they know something's there.

Trying to decrease everyone's carbon footprint isn't easy, providing you
believe in the concept. Yet, most still struggle financially, receiving no,
or very little, to conduct their craft.

And they watch as government funds are taken entirely by representatives of
competing systems, some non-working.

Undeterred, they convert their garages and eke out makeshift labs within
labs, and use closet-like space in corners of academic institutions as long
as the administrators aren't reminded of their existence.

On March 23, 2009, this science will be 20 years old.

Cold fusion is real and respectable and continues to be examined by
respectable people who have steadfastly advanced the technology.

Given its progress, it deserves to be included in the national energy

Gayle Verner works in cold fusion research and publishing. A former People
magazine correspondent, she lives in Wellesley.

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