----- Original Message ----

> From: Jed Rothwell 

> The numbers on land vary from ~27% in Germany to ~33% in parts of the U.S. 
> Some  offshore installations reach ~40%.

These could be little more than imaginary numbers, without documentation. 

The 27% is documented for the best UK offshore sites, but I can find nothing 
higher. The major point of the "truth" site is that these higher numbers do NOT 
exist in reality and are only there to lure politicians and investors. 

I am no expert - but in doing as much googling as I care to do on this topic - 
the "truth" site in question seems to have a valid point. Apparently no one who 
quotes the higher numbers can show real documented results over time. 

Actually I truly hope you have the facts otherwise, instead of opinion which 
has been tainted by EPRI. Please -- Show us officially documented actual result 
for *a full year of operation* where the performance approached 40% load factor 
- even 30%. 

If you can provide these, as documented actual results over time - instead of 
EPRI hype (or as the being results of the best week of the year etc) -- then 
hello - we can silence "truth" sites like this - which claim otherwise - and 
with real facts instead of ... err... hot air ?


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