
> I would prefer to see a Li/B11-fusion powered vehicle that used alpha 
> particles to create free electrons ...

SIDE NOTE this beautiful airplane below, which never advanced much further than 
prototype stage - might possibly have had a "hydrino connection" and possible a 
LENR (boron fusion) connection to some small degree.

better pics here:

... it was notable in that 

1) it weighed more than a 747 (million pounds+) and still could hit mach-3 
2) used a boron compound (TEB or as a tri-ethyl borane) as a high energy fuel. 

It was said to have been most extraordinary and secretive, but way too costly. 
Details were once classified but nowadays could be available. The boron fuel 
was the first program to be canceled (ostensibly due to cost but who knows that 
there were not other problems like radioactivity)

One wonders, given the extra boost of the fuel - if there was any alpha 
radiation heating up the exhaust ;-)

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