Hi All,        12-15-08

Will the ultimate heat death of the universe be
when all the hydrogen has been converted to
hydrinos and everything else fused or fizzed to iron?

Jack Smith


On Dec 12, 2008, Robin (mix...@bigpond.com) wrote:

The following patent application was posted to that list:


Quote from the patent:-

"The process of the present invention is believed to be
based on three hydrogen nuclei (1H and/or 2H) in a compound
approaching within nuclear tunneling distance.

Bringing together hydrogen nuclei to within tunneling
distance (order of 0.5-2 Å) is accomplished by the collapse
of a molecule. For example, the catalyst antimony with
deuterium forms stibine, SbH3, or stibine-3d, SbD3,
which goes to a highly condensed state by the agency of
the interaction of a hydride/deuteride anion, H-/D-. As
a result of this interaction, the D-or H-replaces an
electron, e-. As with the muonic molecule, there is a
collapse to species such as SbD3(D), SbD3(H), or SbH3(H)
where the three or four N/Ds are within tunneling distance
some fraction of the time in the shrunken molecule. With
three deuteriums, 6Li is the predominant product. "

Astute Vorts may recognize my suggestion from years ago,
that Hy- might act as a replacement for the muon, allowing
other nuclei to fuse. :)

BTW this patent sounds like it may contain a good
description of the CF process.

Horace Heffner wrote:

For sure.  This doesn't necessarily involve hydrinos either.

Robin (mix...@bigpond.com) wrote:

particularly considering the requirement that two different
catalysts be present, one from e.g. group III and one
from group I.  This would neatly explain why FP Palladium
experiments using LiOD with traces of Boron in the Pd
appeared to be effective.

Effectively they describe Ed's NAE.

IMO, the Group I metal acts as the Mills catalyst (either
alone as in the case of K or combined with D as in NaD).

Horace Heffner wrote:

It seems to me this is just plain vanilla LENR.  A heavy
atom lattice is required to establish a high tunneling
rate, and the lightweight lattice bound atoms are there to
provide close and energetic targets for LENR.  The light
atoms are required for significant energy generation due to
the curve of binding energy peaking with Fe and diminishing
above Fe56.  See:


Adding H or D to heavy element nuclei results in an energy
deficit.  Energy from adding neutrons or di-neutrons to
heavies (i.e. heavy lattice atoms like Pd) is comparatively
small unless fissions can be triggered.  Obtaining the
equivalent of adding neutrons via H or D LENR requires
weak reactions with comparatively low cross sections.

It appears they overlooked the importance of thermal
gradients to their process (it causes a high tunneling
rate)  or thermal cycling (permitting high loading rate
followed by high orbital stressing).  Nice that they don't
have to worry about energy lost heating their product,
i.e. COP, because their gadgets are simply inserted into
a generating plant boiler fire to increase enthalpy and
thus reduce fuel costs. The main cost is in rebuilding
the gadgets when they stop producing heat.

I don't see anything in this patent inconsistent with the
Deflation Fusion model:

----- Message -----

To: hydr...@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008

Subject: HSG: Hydrino persistance?

What is thought to happen to hydrinos released to the
environment? Do they eventually absorb thermal energy
and become normal hydrogen, or would it be possible to
convert a significant proportion of the world's hydrogen
to hydrinos?

Mike Carrell wrote:

Hydrinos released to the atmosphere are expecte to rise
to the stratosphere as they, like hydrogen, are lighter
than air. At stratopshric altitudes, they will be exposed
to energetic solar radiation that may revert hydrinos
to the hydrogen state. Thermal energy will not do it. it
takes high energy radiation. Mills has porposed that the
so-called "dark matter" postulated by cosmologists may be
hydrinos created by stars, including the sun.

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