R C Macaulay wrote:

Autos can be replaced with bicycles but electricity, as the power outages in the Northeast demonstrate, has no alternate. Talk about taxing the coal fired plants out of business makes good political rherotic to greenies . . .

Are the power outages caused coal shortages? I thought it was downed trees.

Anyway, this makes good sense to anyone who breathes. The idea is to replace coal plants with something slightly more expensive upfront, but cheaper in the long run because it does not kill 20,000 people a year. No one is suggesting we do without electricity.

. . . it will take a lot of money which is now in short supply as Gov.Blogo emphasized in his address to the nation via wire tap.

That's hysterical! Great comment. Wire tap: Blogo blogs the nation.

My sister sent me:

Illinois has today revised its state motto to read: "Illinois, where our governors make our license plates"

- Jed

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