General Fusion offers a twist on LANL's research by using spherical
force focusing reminiscent of Fat Man's explosives:

"The source of endless energy for all humankind resides just off
Government Street in Burnaby, British Columbia, up the little spit of
blacktop on Bonneville Place and across the parking lot from
Shade-O-Matic blind manufacturers and wholesalers. The future is
there, in that mostly empty office with the vomit-green walls -- and
inside the brain of Michel Laberge, 47, bearded and French-Canadian.

According to a diagram, printed on a single sheet of white paper and
affixed with tape to a dusty slab of office drywall, his vision looks
like a medieval torture device: a metal ball surrounded on all sides
by metal rods and bisected by two long cylinders. It's big but not
immense -- maybe 10 times as tall as the little robot man in the lower
right corner of the page who's there to indicate scale.

What Laberge has set out to build in this office park, using $2
million in private funding and a skeletal workforce, is a
nuclear-fusion power plant. The idea seems nuts but is actually, he
says, not at all far-fetched. Yes, he'll admit, fusion is generally
considered the kind of nearly impossible challenge undertaken only by
huge universities or governments. Yes, fusion has a stigma to
overcome; the image that it is fundamentally bogus, always and forever
20 years away, certainly doesn't help. Laberge would probably even
admit that the idea of some Canadians working in a glorified garage
conquering one of the most ambitious problems in physics sounds

But he will also tell you that his twist on a method known as
magnetized target fusion, or MTF -- to wildly oversimplify, a process
in which plasma (ionized gas) trapped by a magnetic field is rapidly
compressed to create fusion -- will, in fact, work because it is
relatively cheap and scalable. Give his team six to 10 years and a few
hundred million dollars, he says, and his company, General Fusion,
will give you a nuclear-fusion power plant."


And from their web site:

"Magnetized Target Fusion

MTF is a fusion approach that is in between magnetized fusion (MF) and
inertial confinement (ICF). In MF the plasma density is very low (1014
particles/cm2) so the fusion rate is slow and the plasma must be
contained for many seconds in order to make more energy than initially
invested in heating the plasma. This is hard because the very hot
plasma tends to twist and escape the magnetic field. In ICF the plasma
density is 1000 times the density of a solid (1025 particules/cm2).
The reaction rate is enormous and the fusion energy is released in ~1
nanosecond. That is faster than the time for the plasma to cool down
even if there is no attempt at preventing the heat from escaping. The
problem here is that a lot of energy must be crammed in a very small
spot, and in a very short time to achieve these conditions. The energy
driver to do that (laser, particle beam) is difficult.

In MTF a relatively cold plasma with an embedded electrical current is
generated inside a conductive cavity. The electric current produces a
magnetic field that helps confining the plasma in a similar way to MF.
The cavity is then rapidly collapsed like in ICF. Because the magnetic
field cannot penetrate the conductive wall, the plasma is compressed
and heated to thermonuclear conditions. Because of the magnetic field
the heat does not escape as fast as ICF so the compression can be
slower and the peak density can be less (~1020 particles/cm2). Yet
this density is one million times more than MF so the magnetic
configuration must keep the heat for only 1 microsecond; a much easier
task than MF. The slower rate of compression and larger plasma
considerably relax the peak power and focus of the energy driver
allowing a simpler, cheaper system to be used.

Los Alamos National Lab in the US is working on MTF. In their
approach, the cavity is a metal tube and it is collapsed by passing a
large electrical current in it. The current reacts with the induced
magnetic field to produce a force that crushes the tube."

LANL's MTF web site:

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