The hydrino yahoo group has just recently moved to:

and at last check, they had not moved the archives but there are a few
new posts.  Randell's yahoo group, SCQM, no longer exists.

I am not aware of a condensed matter group on either yahoo or google.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
> Where is the sign-up information for the Mills discussion group? Someone
> asked me this. I do not know, and I am not interested in joining, but I
> would like to have this information on file. I do not even know the name of
> it . . .
> Also, how & where do you sign up for the CMNS group? The messages say they
> are from "" but I do not find anything about it at
> Google.
> - Jed

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