Howdy Jones,
Stockscouter sez there are some big institutional boys dumping SWC before they run outa money.
Mystery how they do it by making the share price increase.. but.. who knows.
It appears that these 10 buck internet stock peddlers have a way of getting an order from a buyer, pool the order with others .. pump a little air in the deal and shazzaam.. You think you are buying SWC at 2.50 ..BUT.. you are informed 3 days later that you paid 3.25... see how it works??
a very close look at
Stillwater Mining ( SWC) should give one pause as an example of how to play poker with a pinocle deck while performing wonders with numbers while eating
cucumbers... the stock jumped from 1.60 to above 5.00


Sounds like you may have taken a flyer on this one, a while back, and made enough silver to buy a few rounds down at the Dime Box.

... or else there is some "smart money" out there (whose advisers finally tuned into the promise of LENR) and these folks suspect that the only palladium mine in North America is worth getting control of...

... not to leave a lost preposition, nor dangling participle, or anything like that as part of my New Year's Resoultions ;-)

As Win sez: "That is nonsense up with which I shall not put."


Or as Groucho sez: One morning on safari, I shot an Hippo in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I will never know.

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