Paper at:

"LENR Research using Co-Deposition"

Szpak, S., et al. LENR Research Using Co-Deposition. in ICCF-14 International Conference on Condensed Matter
Nuclear Science. 2008. Washington, DC.

Note ". in" in the above title.

The caption for Figure 3 on Page 4 reads:

"Figure 3. (a) 20X magnification of a cloudy area observed where the Au/Pd cathode was in contact with the CR-39 detector during an external magnetic field experiment. (b) 500X magnification taken near the edge of the Au/Pd cathode where less damage to the CR-39 detector is observed. 1000 X image of pits in CR-39 created during Pd/D co-deposition: (c) the focus is on the surface of the CR-39. (b) Overlay of two images taken at two different focal lengths (surface and the bottom of the pits)."

It probably should read:

"Figure 3. (a) 20X magnification of a cloudy area observed where the Au/Pd cathode was in contact with the CR-39 detector during an external magnetic field experiment. (b) 500X magnification taken near the edge of the Au/Pd cathode where less damage to the CR-39 detector is observed. (c) 1000 X image of pits in CR-39 created during Pd/D co-deposition: the focus is on the surface of the CR-39. (d) Overlay of two images taken at two different focal lengths (surface and the bottom of the pits)."

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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