From: R C Macaulay <

Howdy Terry,

> Sobering... Notice the inference made by Kanjorski to some "external" 
> conspiracy that was working to create a collapse. Dark forces at work.

... looked at first more like formerly-red forces to me: Russia in particular. 

Now it looks more like Dubai/OPEC may have played a major role. Yup, Dubai. 
They have gone into stealth mode recently, but check out their proud 
aspirations a few years back:

A few observers who claim to understand the Slavic mentality, as best it can be 
understood say that it always seems that Russian intellectuals are focused on 
how the worst in human nature can materialize, and that is what they plan for - 
instead of pushing for the best, or playing by the rules. Stalin being a prime 
example. Look at what they were doing behind the scenes at Davos:

Russians and Arabs are strange bedfellows, but they have interests which are 
aligned. Since the Russians (despite being in G8) are largely excluded from the 
"money club" and the major financial centers, despite the huge amounts of 
natural gas being sent to Europe in exchange for Euros, it benefits them 
immensely when these kinds of cracks in the Western banking system occur. 
Follow the buck. It would not surprise me if they had actually operated in 
concert with some OPEC memebers like Dubai and Iran to instigate part of the 
recent collapse. [no proof of that, just conjecture]

Has anyone considered that OPEC has long held a major aspiration to locally 
sponsor the same kind of Financial Haven that NYC and Zurich were once seen to 
be. Japan cannot jump in, Northern Europe is being drained by OPEC and Russia, 
so Dubai could have won trillions of new capital by default. Nowhere else in 
the region can such a new banking center emerge.

With UBS and Credit Suisse on the ropes, along with most of the US major banks- 
one suspects that the trillions of OPEC dollar which once flowed there, now 
could migrate elsewhere for "relative safety" - following which - the 30-1 
leverage mechanism which is place in world banking, that leverage then insures 
the recipient nation future proseperity far above normal expectations. 

If you had any doubts about this, why would you think Halliburton fled to 
Dubai? And why would they start all kinds of false rumors about moving back, 
after BO got elected. They are in scare mode as the recent $580 billion penalty 
they paid is the tip of the iceberg. This company is an icon for all the abuses 
of the Bush era, and they should pay the price - even if it means dissolving 
the company.

Obama's team knows all this. His plan effectively thwarts the effect of OPEC 
trying to get oil back up to $70, especailly his energy plan - and he is 
starting to reform the US banking system as well. 

The American farmer, in concert with American ingenuity, is now coming to the 
resuce of the mess left by Big Oil. We may hate ethanol now, and "in principle" 
but it is largely responsible for the continuation of $40 oil, and once we make 
the "big switch" to cellulosic butanol and biodiesel and algoil (next few 
years), there will be nothing OPEC can do to this country on the financial 
front. This is precisely why Obama has focused on agriculture in his energy 

Had McCain prevailed, we would be on a sinking ship indeed.  


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