grok wrote:

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As the smoke cleared, John Berry <>
mounted the barricade and roared out:

I think that it is clear to everyone that socialism, communism in
anything like the form that we have seen in the past is not what anyone
is talking about, not even the theory/ideals of Marxism would have any

List hypocrisy and trolling for Ayn Rand aside -- guess what? Reality
doesn't much care what you and your friends think, fella.
I really hate to break this to people here, but the future has *always*
been with Socialism -- Grok, You are, IMHO, either totally misguided, or one sick individual. socialism's agenda is the destruction of the individual. What I liked about Randian Philosophy was the celebration of the triumph of the individual against the collective.
Even fascism.
Which is the immediate goal of the Rightwing of the U.S. ruling-class,

What you ignore is that fascism is socialism with private ownership. It is a more efficient production system, but it has no difference fundamentally between fascism and socialism. Both destroy the individual for the good of the collective.

You north americans and brits are about to find out the very real limits
of capitalism -- and all its support structures (like your totalitarian
mass-propaganda media,

Calling the economic system in America and Britain capitalism may fit with your agenda Grok, but the truth is that neither country has had free enterprise capitalism in the last 100 years.

for instance). And liberals and even neocon-
fascists can burble-on about the "new green economy" all they want, too:
your very REAL collective problem _remains_ the capitalist mode of
production itself --
People have certain wants and needs, the limited amount of free enterprise that we have here meets those needs much better than the collectivized system that the Russians had.

as the entire Planet has just found out, and can
clearly see for itself right now.
The entire planet is riddled with collectivism, where does this place where capitalism is practiced exist? What is it that the entire planet has found out? The fact that collectivism has failed every time it's been tried clearly isn't one of them.

This misguided idea is apparently the basis of your belief that America is particular is a bastion of free enterprise capitalism. You are right, we have a ruling elite, Oligarchy, which is promoting the sort of dystopia which Orwell and Huxley wrote about in 1984 and Brave New World. If you truely believe that this is a good thing, then you are indeed sick.

'Atlantis' indeed...Beam me up.

Another interesting comment. You may have heard that certain Christians believe that one of these days a trumpet is going to blow, and they are going to vanish. Well I'm one of them. That's why I'm not just too concerned about the world's continuing to deterioration. The main reason is that I've realized over the past 1/2 century that there's nothing I can do about it.

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