grok wrote:

As the smoke cleared, Jed Rothwell <>
mounted the barricade and roared out:
I think there is no chance North Korea or Iran will use a weapon. They
know they would be annihilated if they did. They may seem kind of crazy
to us,
... right.
And "you all" seem crazy to the rest of the planet too.
Kim Jung Il is the despot king of a medieval nation, not a modern
leader. His aggression toward us has nothing to do with us.

The hell it doesn't. Your ruling-class and its stooges still haven't even
yet paid for their crimes against the korean people

Yah like freeing them from that evil lunatic.

He does not fear invasion. He uses other countries and threats against
them as a form of political theater within North Korea, as a way to
gain advantage and crush his internal enemies.

Not quite true. Your side does indeed threaten REAL invasion. This just
doesn't happen to appear to be imminent.
Fear invasion? He's the one planning on invading South Korea!

This resembles what some far right U.S. leaders did during the latter stages of the cold war. I doubt that many of them actually feared Russia or worried that Russia might invade Western Europe.

There was ZERO chance the Soviets were going to do what the U.S./NATO
Maybe you haven't heard Jed, The Russians are continuing to build Typhoon class submarines. Did you sleep through last summer? Does the word Georgia, the country not the state bring back any memories?

I doubt many Republican leaders
today seriously believe that Obama is a socialist, but some of their
followers believe this, and it is politically useful for them to say

I think that he's a Socialist, and Newsweak agrees with me

Of course they don't believe this. Point is that the Republicans are
liars, thieves and mass murderers -- hell, just like the Democrats -- and
will say absolutely anything, if they think it will get them something.

And on that we could likely agree 100%.
Both R and D are lairs and thieves.That doesn't change the fact that we live in a dangerous world which is full of people who want to impose the sort of dystopia that Orwell wrote about. Part of the problem is that Jed and Grok have been drinking of the Communitarian cool aid. I just listened to John Leoffler deliver a lecture on the subject see,

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