
Professor makes his mark, but it costs him his job

>From Friday's Globe and Mail

February 6, 2009 at 2:00 AM EDT

OTTAWA — On the first day of his fourth-year physics class, University 
of Ottawa professor Denis Rancourt announced to his students that he 
had already decided their marks: Everybody was getting an A+.

It was not his job, as he explained later, to rank their skills for 
future employers, or train them to be “information transfer machines,” 
regurgitating facts on demand. Released from the pressure to ace the 
test, they would become “scientists, not automatons,” he reasoned.

But by abandoning traditional marks, Prof. Rancourt apparently sealed 
his own failing grade: In December, the senior physicist was suspended 
from teaching, locked out of his laboratory and told that the 
university administration was recommending his dismissal and banning 
him from campus. 

Firing a tenured professor is rare in itself, but two weeks ago the 
university took an even more extreme step: When Prof. Rancourt went on 
campus to host a regular meeting of his documentary film society, he 
was led away in handcuffs by police and charged with trespassing.

With his suspension raising questions of academic freedom, the 
Canadian Association of University Teachers has started an independent 
inquiry into the matter. “Universities are to be places that not only 
tolerate, but welcome, vigorous debate,” said executive director James 
Turk. “There would have to be some very serious misdeeds by Dr. 
Rancourt to justify this action.” 

A university spokesperson refused to comment specifically on the 
trespassing incident or give reasons for the disciplinary action, 
saying that the decision was “very serious” and “not made lightly.” 

Prof. Rancourt's suspension is the most serious step in a long series 
of grievances and conflicts with the university dating back to 2005, 
when, after researching new teaching methods, he first experimented 
with eliminating letter grades. He also altered course curriculum with 
student input – although not the approval of the university – an 
approach he calls “academic squatting.” 

A well-published and politically outspoken scientist who revels in 
hashing out theories on napkins at conferences, Prof. Rancourt's 
unconventional teaching style has generated both an ardent following 
among a core group of students, and the rancour of many of his fellow 
faculty members, one-third of whom signed a petition of complaint 
against him in the fall of 2007. In the letter, which he provided, the 
complaints stem largely from a series of critical e-mails he 
distributed about their “paternalistic” teaching methods – a criticism 
he still expresses, with little restraint, today.

But he also has some high-profile support from an award-winning 
psychology professor at the university, Claude Lamontagne, who wrote 
in an e-mail that faculty members need to fight for the freedom to 
teach how and when they want, lest their independence be “pressed out 
of our souls like juice from an orange.”

Building on his science and society lectures, the self-
described “anarchist” developed a popular course on activism at Ottawa 
U, which was cancelled by the university the following year, and 
started an alternative film society focused on social justice. 

He made headlines after 10-year-old twins registered for his course 
with their mother – and he supported the filing of a human-rights 
complaint claiming ageism when the university said they couldn't stay. 
His research can be equally alternative: He has called global warming, 
for instance, a myth. He has also been an outspoken critic of “Israeli 
military aggression” and is not shy about expressing those views with 

And while the university may be keeping quiet, Prof. Rancourt has 
freely disseminated his side of the story: correspondence with 
university officials and a video of his arrest has been posted on the 
Internet. “I have nothing to hide,” he says.

Sean Kelly, a master's student who had Prof. Rancourt as his thesis 
supervisor until his suspension, said some students complained in 
class when the professor allowed debates to wander off-topic – or 
refused to set deadlines for homework. Some people, Mr. Kelly 
admitted, took advantage of the free A, but many others put more 
energy into the class. Comparing Prof. Rancourt to other professors 
who practically give students the questions that will be on exams in 
advance, the 27-year-old said, “He really pushes you to think more for 

For now, Prof. Rancourt, 51, is meeting his graduate students in 
cafés, continuing to advise them unofficially on their thesis 
projects. He is still receiving his salary while awaiting a final 
decision from the university. The independent board of inquiry 
appointed by the Canadian Association of University Teachers may take 
many months to release a report. 

But the professor is undeterred about those A-pluses: “Grades poison 
the educational environment,” he insists. “We're training students to 
be obedient, and to try to read our minds, rather than being a 
catalyst for learning.”

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