I gather uranium costs about $40/kg. Does anyone know what it costs by the time they make it into uranium oxide fuel pellets?

Those pellets, I finally established, are 11.5 mm diameter, 15 mm long. At least according to this:


They weigh about 16 g if I have done my arithmetic right, which is doubtful. I did not take into account the 2 mm hole, for one thing.

    Fuel pellet

Fuel                                    Uranium dioxide
Fuel enrichment in U-235, %                           2
Edge pellet enrichment, %                           0.4
Fuel pellet density, kg/m3                        10400
Fuel pellet diameter, mm                           11.5
Fuel pellet length. mm                               15
Pellet central orifice diameter, mm                   2
Maximum pellet temperature, C                      2100

- Jed

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