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As the smoke cleared, Harry Veeder <hvee...@ncf.ca>
mounted the barricade and roared out:

> > What you say is true. If you take some of R Yeshua's quotes you can
> > make him out to be a socialist. Jim Wallis of Sojourner's magazine is
> > great hand to do that.
> >
> > If you ignore that Yeshua was Torah Observant, it's just amazing what
> > you can justify using the red letters. BTW, I regard Wallis and his
> > ilk as a wolves in sheep's clothing. My Rabbi and I agree that a wolf
> > which as learned to take on the affectations of a sheep is the most
> > dangerous animal in the woods.
> As a sheep you spend too much time listening to wolves dressed as
> shepards.
> Harry

There are other sheep here as well: people who smirk about how FREE the
U.S./NATO countries are -- and yet do not see the contradiction in their
fearful response to REAL free speech, when actually confronted with it,
because they in fact are willingly acquiescing to the installment of a
full-blown police state.

Not to mention that the ruling-class is this very moment fleecing them in
the most brutal, criminal manner -- and all they can do is let out the
occasional pitiful 'baah'. 

Bah, humbug.

- -- grok.

- -- 
Build the North America-wide General Strike.

TODO el poder a los consejos y las comunas.
TOUT le pouvoir aux conseils et communes.
ALL power to the councils and communes.
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