As we all know ice is slippery because of melting from pressure and 
Right? Not really...

Slippery All the Time

Why is the ice slippery in the first place? Is it more slippery when 
it's "fast ice" or is something else going on? How would a chemist 
explain the difference between "fast ice" and "slow ice"? We asked 
Professor Gabor Somorjai of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 
these questions and discussed his research into ice.
Somorjai's recent discoveries have explained why skaters and pucks 
slide on the ice. These new findings challenge long-held theories 
about why ice is slippery. In the past, scientists believed that 
either pressure or friction melted the ice, creating a water lubricant 
that allows skates and pucks to slide. Berkeley chemist Michel van 
Hove, a colleague of Somorjai's, has done calculations which show that 
skates and pucks do not generate enough pressure to instantly liquefy 
ice. Somorjai has discovered that ice has a "quasi-fluid layer" that 
coats the surface of ice and makes it slippery. Even ice that is 200 
degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-129 Celcius) or more still has this 

External Forces?

External forces, such as pressure and friction, can melt the ice. But 
Professor Somorjai's findings indicate that ice itself is slippery. 
You don't need to melt the ice to skate on it, or need a layer of 
water as a lubricant to help slide along the ice.

Slippery Layers

According to Professor Somorjai, the "quasi-fluid" or "water-like" 
layer exists on the surface of the ice and may be thicker or thinner 
depending on temperature. At about 250 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (-
157 centigrade), the ice has a slippery layer one molecule thick. As 
the ice is warmed, the number of these slippery layers increases. This 
may help explain in part the difference between "fast ice" and "slow 
ice." As the number of layers increases, the players' skates need 
to "slosh" through more of these "water-like" layers; more friction 
occurs in these conditions, slowing the players down. These extra 
layers would also "soften" a landing for a figure skater--who skates 
on warmer ice than a hockey player. There is more on the structure of 
this "quasi-fluid" layer at the beginning of the "Skating" section. 
But before we get too technical, let's examine how ice is made. 

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Slippery when not wet?

The nature of ice was examined in "The Ice" section--including the 
latest findings by chemist Gabor Somorjai. This new information about 
ice changes the way we look at skating. For a number of years before 
Somorjai's research, there was a debate as to whether pressure or 
friction created the water lubricant that was believed to be required 
for skating. Most scientists seemed to think that it was pressure. 
According to Somorjai's findings this is not the case. So what do you 
skate on? Well, actually you skate on vibrating molecules.

Professor Somorjai and his team used new methods developed in the last 
10 or 15 years to examine the surface structure and composition of the 
atoms and molecules that make up the ice. These techniques were 
developed for high-tech applications--like studying the surface of 
materials that can be used for magnetic disk drives, for example. 
Somorjai used these same methods to examine ice. What he found was 
rather surprising. Somorjai told us, "the structure we determined was 
an almost impossible structure, indicating that every second water 
molecule on the surface was missing. Since that was not possible, we 
decided to go back and understand why [this was the case]." After 
further study, Somorjai's team found that the "missing" water [or ice] 
molecule was indeed there-- but it was vibrating so rapidly that it 
was invisible to the technique they were using. Once Somorjai and his 
team found this out, they could change the conditions to further study 
these molecules.

Up and down

After further study, Somorjai found that these molecules behave like a 
liquid, but they only move up and down; they do not move from side to 
side on the surface of the ice. This is an important distinction. If 
the atoms moved side to side, the "liquid-like" layer would literally 
become liquid (which is what happens when the temperature rises above 
32 degrees Fahrenheit). This "liquid-like" layer is thought to be what 
makes the ice slippery.

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