grok wrote:
> As the smoke cleared, Mauro Lacy <>
> mounted the barricade and roared out:
> >> NOTHING is more ugly and violent than a capitalist which hasn't
> been fed
> >> bloodmeal and raw, dripping hamburger in the past few minutes.
> > I'm not discussing here "who is more violent", but the possible
> means and ways of
> > stop being it.
> "Violence" is an abstract concept, worthy of only idealist filosofers
> and ideologs...
> but otherwise useless in practical, life terms -- at least as it
> stands in its (usual
> bourgeois) one-sided way. But in real, concrete terms, "violence" per
> se is all part
> of very real existence in this Universe. Animals and plants need to
> live for instance
> -- often off the corporeal masses of other living entities. Rocks fall
> down and smash
> other rocks for that matter... The thing we're talking about here of
> course, is how
> to arrange for humans to organize themselves in such a way that they
> no longer are
> (seemingly gratuitously) violent towards at least each other. And then
> others still,
> would have us extend that courtesy to at least the 'higher' (i.e.
> vertibrate, or at
> least mammalian) animal species, etc.
> And of course -- this is the VERY question Karl Marx himself so
> famously addressed.

As I said before, the concept of "class struggle", and the use that is
made of it, does not promote an harmonious way to resolve conflicts.
History also supports this, and I think that it is one of the main
reasons Marxism is discredited today.

Look, the United States are collapsing, politically and economically.
Much in the same way as the URSS collapsed in the eighties/nineties. But
a difference with the URSS seems to be that, instead to acknowledge it
and make an orderly(relatively speaking) collapse, they are in denial
about it, and so headed for a disorderly collapse, sooner or later. This
is a very dangerous state of affairs, both for the USA and for the rest
of the world. If you, instead of promoting the consideration of a
reality check, and the establishment of an orderly collapse, start
promoting Marxist ideas about class struggle and idiocies like that,
you're only adding to the general confussion, and making matters worst,
in the end.

> How about that. It must be synchronicity.
> ;>
> > I don't have any investments; don't have any dividends, nor
> employees, an
> > enterprise, etc. I'm not a capitalist. You're simply wrong about me,
> grok. Besides,
> > about other things.
> I was being facetious.

Well, you shouldn't. While you were playing your joker card, serious and
important things were said to you. And they deserve to be considered
> Me so bad.
> ;>
> -- grok.

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