In reply to  Chris Zell's message of Thu, 28 May 2009 17:39:21 -0700 (PDT):
>We desparately need a dramatic technological catalyst to inspire the 21st 
>century world economy  - or the future will be dominated by weak, 
>miserable governments struggling to redistribute whatever wealth is left. 
>Expensive hybrid cars to be purchased by overextended consumers, miscalculated 
>energy yields from windmills, solar cells that keep promising parity with 
>fossil generation, and waiting for hot fusion like the Second Coming will not 
>save us.  We need something much more profound - and not marginal.
Precisely what my device would deliver. Unlimited, compact, clean, and cheap
energy. (If it works).

By clean, I mean as clean as CF, since they are likely both based upon the same
basic reactions.

The difference is that CF is struggling to reach break even because it's
parameters are largely unknown, and based upon random chance, whereas my device
is engineered to do the job, and the parameters can be readily controlled.


Robin van Spaandonk

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