Gerald Pollack, a sucessful maverick biochemist at the UW, is trying to collect a list of books which describe crazy fringe research projects and proposals not currently attracting any government funding. My own list is below. Any more suggestions? Book suggestions, NOT research proposals. Also, collections of taboo topics are desired over books about individuals.
(((((((((((((((((( ( ( ( ( (O) ) ) ) ) ))))))))))))))))))) William J. Beaty beaty chem washington edu Research Engineer billbamascicom UW Chem Dept, Bagley Hall RM74 206-543-6195 Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700 THE SOURCEBOOK PROJECT: FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE Compiled by WR Corliss INFINITE ENERGY MAGAZINE THE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE Dr. Dean Radin FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY Michael Cremo SEVEN EXPERIMENTS THAT COULD CHANGE THE WORLD, A do-it yourself guide to revolutionary science, Rupert Sheldrake FORBIDDEN SCIENCE, Suppressed research that could change our lives Richard Milton SCIENTIFIC LITERACY AND THE MYTH OF THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Henry H. Bauer DEVIANT SCIENCE The Case of Parapsychology, James McClenon DARWIN'S CREATION MYTH, by Alexander Mebane COSMIC PLASMAS, by Hannes Aflven THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE Thornhill & Talbott DARK LIFE Michael Taylor THE DEEP HOT BIOSPHERE Thomas Gold THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF IGNORANCE Ronald Duncan, Miranda Weston-Smith eds. Also, any tales of vindicated heretics? HIDDEN HISTORIES OF SCIENCE R. Silvers, ed. 1995 CONFRONTING THE EXPERTS, B. Martin, ed., 1996 THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, W. Beveridge 1950 SCIENCE IS A SACRED COW, Anthony Standen 1950