You know, someone should make a wikipedia, but where you can only enter events 
dated in the future. Then we could look back in years to come and see how many 
hits we get and who has the best track record. It should have a good voting 
system so that everyone can vote on which events they feel are most likely to 
actually happen. Maybe even take bets...

From: OrionWorks <>
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2009 7:15:12 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [Vo]:Compression and LENR?

Veeder sez:

> "Blow'd up real good..."
> ;-)

I miss John Candy. :-(

Speaking of commodities.

Regarding the whereabouts of reporter Vincent Dinglelint, I found the
following wiki entry, dated December 3 2019, which suggests that he
may have been located in the outskirts of Paris. An international
writer who went by the pen name of Gabby Gartone was contacted by an
individual who claimed to have been a fact checker employed by the
Washington Post On-Line News Service. The fact checker claimed that
she wanted to verify Gabby's monetary figures in regards to the recent
meltdown of the global commodity housing market. Mr. Gartone was
considered to have been the first reporter to have blown the whistle
on insider trading of June bungalows, cottages, and starters during
the disastrous summer of 2018, which ultimately resulted in the arrest
of the infamous Benton brothers. Mr. Gartone was still very much in
the limelight, receiving awards and speaking engagement requests when
the alleged fact checker managed to establish on-line contact.
However, soon after a few pleasantries had been exchanged, the alleged
fact checker redirected the conversation towards an obscure incident
that happened in Richmond, Virginia back in May 28 2013. She claimed
that she was actually the daughter of a deceased retired electrical
engineer named Mr. Suggins who had under mysterious circumstances
blown up inside his home along with a sizable block of local suburban
real estate. She wanted to know what Mr. Garton might have known about
the incident, or more precisely what he might have uncovered
concerning what his father might have been up to during the night the
neighborhood exploded. The impostor fact checker claimed that Mr.
Garton's demeanor suddenly shifted " if he had turned into a
stone-faced robot". She stated that Mr. Garton muttered "Mierd!" and
then abruptly severed the connection. What makes the incident
intriguing is that the anonymous fact checker had logged the incident
in the Super Well Community thirty five minutes PRIOR to log entries
indicating that all funds in Mr. Garton's bank account had been
suddenly withdrawn, along with the whereabouts of Mr. Garton. Mr
Garton was never seen or head of again. The whereabouts of the alleged
fact checker, aka the alleged daughter of Mr. Suggins, also remain a
curious mystery.

Steven Vincent Johnson


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