Horace's comments are thoughtful. I'm also aware that Mr. Heffner has
most likely been a member of the Vort Collective far longer than I,
and as such, has earned certain privileges that seniority bestows when
expressing "policy" matters.

If one adheres to the spirit of Vort-etiquette it would appear that I
am frequently in violation because many of my posts expand topics of
discussion into non-scientific lines of thought. As such, I stand
guilty of instigating many Vort infractions. Fortunately for me I have
not been kicked out, nor have I even had to serve a single time-out. I
speculate that I'm tolerated because I've endeavored to make most of
my non-scientific posts entertaining if not occasionally educational.
(Of course some might debate the latter!) I try not to verbally abuse
anyone incessantly, though I must admit that on occasion I'm guilty of
lobbing a cheap shot or two. I think it's also true that all work and
no play can make Jack a dull boy. If such folly is done at my own
expense, I'm ok with that.

Regarding the matter of recent troll behavior, when someone tends to
focus on a particular ideology as a "save-all" for all of our world's
problems, most are likely to sense a kind of self-driven fanaticism
that causes us to distance ourselves from such prophets. It's not that
what such prophets have to say does not merit legitimate thought and
discussion, because frequently such subjects do warrant spirited
debate! The problem is that when the ideology, itself, has been
hijacked and used primarily as a weapon of destruction in repeated
attempts to decimate one's perceived enemies – that's when it's a good
idea to instigate disciplinary measures. It's time to make it clear
that this is considered inappropriate posting behavior. Time for a

My two cents.

In the meantime, there is also the time-honored tradition of prefixing
the subject line with "OT". I should endeavor to use "OT" more often.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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