So, its not velocity that causes time dillation, thats simply a
convenient way of reffering to it.

Its the difference in actual space traveled during the interval
compared to going in a geodesic, or straight line?

which, honestly, is a sum of the velocities of the trip of the non
geodesic object, yes?

(damn, i think i reconfused myself)

Thank you very very much btw for taking the time on this Stephen!

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Stephen A. Lawrence<> wrote:
> leaking pen wrote:
>> So...
>> I think i followed all the math on that, very simple math, thank you!
>> and, my original didnt start with lights being turned on with the ship
>> passing the station, but that DOES simplify things. thanks!
>> So... What your saying is that if you take into account time dilation,
>>  the light DOES really move the same distance in a set amount of time,
>> once converted to local time, relative to both.  so really, the light
>> ISN'T traveling at c faster than the ship, it just APPEARS that way to
>> O' due to time dillation?
> You can view it that way, but it's a little hazardous, because time
> dilation isn't really just a simple number.
> Thinking of it as a simple ratio leads to a lot of confusion.  Time
> dilation, expressed as a number, is dt/dtau for a particular observer,
> "A", relative to a particular reference frame, "F".  The "dt" value is
> found by A, by looking at clocks which are stationary in frame F, as A
> passes them by.  The "dtau" value is found by "A" by looking at A's own
> clock.
> Note well:  "A" uses ONE clock in his/her own frame.  "A" uses AT LEAST
> TWO CLOCKS in frame "F", located at *different* points in frame "F".
> You can't measure time dilation between two inertial frames without
> using at least two clocks in one of the frames, because once the
> observer has passed a clock, it's gone, and they can't see it any more
> (except at a distance and using a telescope adds unnecessary hair
> without changing the result).
> Thus, time dilation actually measures the rate at which time passes
> along a *particular* *path*.  Something that measures a rate of change
> along a path is a directional derivative, or a "1-form".  It's not a
> simple number.
>> That makes more sense. But then, that just reinforces to me something
>> that I feel, and that I've been told is not true.  It just seems to me
>> there should be then a central point, with a central time flow, and
>> all other things are variants of that, based on their velocity
>> relative to this fixed point. (center of the universe, if you will)
> There may be but there doesn't have to be.  As far as I know nobody
> knows for sure if there is.
>> I mean, if you were to leave a sattelite in space, not orbiting, but
>> left behind in our orbit, moving just enough so that we come back to
>> it in the same spot, relative to earth, next year, more time will have
>> gone by, becuase its not moving as fast, not orbiting round the sun,
>> yes?  Where does it end?  what is the most non moving spot?
> No, the difference is not because the Earth is moving faster.
> First, let's agree to ignore the Sun's gravity because paying attention
> to it would throw us into GR.  Let's assume the Earth is just tied to a
> string or something to keep it in orbit.
> Now, with that assumption, here's the difference:  The satellite we
> dropped is in an inertial frame -- it's not accelerating.  The Earth's
> frame, on the other hand, is not inertial -- it's accelerating the whole
> time, due to the pull on that string.
> To deal with acceleration, we don't need GR but we do need some
> differential geometry and I'm not going to try to write that out in flat
> ASCII here (and besides I'm too rusty).
> In simple terms, the distance along any path you might follow through
> (4-dimensional) space time is called the "interval", and for a
> particular observer (like the Earth) the "interval" is equal to the
> elapsed proper time of that observer.  So, how far you go, measured as
> "interval", corresponds exactly to how many seconds pass on your wristwatch.
> The square of the "interval" between any two fixed points in an inertial
> frame is, by definition, (ignoring the Y and Z directions)
>  delta_S^2 = delta_T^2 - delta_X^2
> It's not hard to use the Lorentz transforms to show that, for an
> inertial observer in motion with regard to an inertial frame, that
> definition of "interval" gives us the square of the observer's elapsed
> proper time between any two events in the frame.  (Not hard but I'm not
> going to do it right here.)
> It's also not hard to show that the "interval" between any two events is
> the same, no matter what inertial frame you use to evaluate it.
> The infinitesimal "interval" traveled by an astronaut "A", from the
> point of view of an observer "O", is
>  dS^2 = dt^2 - dx^2
> and since it's infinitesimal we can use that formula for an astronaut
> who is *accelerating*.  At the infinitesimal scale, where A's velocity
> hardly varies, we can find the infinitesimal change in A's proper time
> -- which is to say, how much A's clock will advance by -- from that
> formula.  Then, to find the *total* time A's clock will change on any
> path, we just integrate it along the path.
> This is fundamental; it's the definition of the "metric" in special
> relativity.  It's sometimes referred to as the "Minkowksi metric", in
> reference to Minkowski's development of the 4-dimensional view of
> relativity, and it's sometimes referred to as the "Lorentz metric", in
> reference to the fact that it applies to reference frames which are
> related by the Lorentz transforms.
> I'm not leading up to taking some horrible integral here.  I'm leading
> up to something else:  A "geodesic" is a path followed by an *inertial*
> observer -- it involves no acceleration.   It's simple, straight-line
> motion.  And it can also be shown that, if we look at all possible small
> variations from geodesic, the path along the geodesic MAXIMIZES the
> elapsed interval.  In other words, if you wander off the geodesic while
> traveling from event 1 to event 2, your total elapsed proper time (=
> elapsed interval) will be *smaller* than it is for someone who follows a
> geodesic between those two events.  (This gets into variational calculus
> and I'm not going to prove it here.)
> The point is, the Earth in the example is *not* following a geodesic.
> It's accelerating the whole time.  Its non-geodesic motion, then,
> accounts for the fact that less time elapses for the Earth than for the
> "stationary" satellite.  This is a general principle; if two observers
> follow different paths between two events -- in other words, they meet
> *twice* -- at least one of them must have followed a non-geodesic path.
>  So, if one of them followed a geodesic, the *other* one will have seen
> less time elapse.
> And so is resolved the "twin paradox" in its usual form, without any
> reference to a universal rest frame.
> ******************************
> Now this is all fine if the universe is open.  Suppose it's not; suppose
> it's actually a big torus (or something similar).  Suppose that, if you
> went far enough straight up, you'd eventually find yourself coming back
> up through the floor, without ever having changed direction.  In that
> case, you would have followed a geodesic, *AND* the person who stayed
> behind would have followed a geodesic, and yet your clocks still
> wouldn't match.  By comparing them, in that case, you could indeed
> figure out how fast you were going relative to the "universal rest
> frame" in your universe.
> It doesn't lead to a contradiction but it most assuredly leads to the
> breaking of the general "principle of relativity" -- in such a universe
> there is a distinguished frame of reference and it may not be accurate
> to assume all physical laws are absolutely identical regardless of velocity.

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