First I answered quite a few questions about the 60 hz resonances I have 
procurred to the moderator of tesla pupman list, but when another poster asked 
a question it was refused as off topic. I also have now come to a point of 
application concerning interphasal resonances as I have promoted through my 
teslafy yahoo group. This will be a consideration of the resonant ferrite 
heating phenomenon and how it should be shown as a conversion of time into 
energy. A you tube video is planned, but now I must remove the table apparatus 
shown below for that newest demo of 3 phase 465 hz from car alternator to show 
time distortion effect.

Off topic Reply
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 9:52 AM
"Harvey Norris" <>
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I wish I could understand what
> the heck you are
> doing! Seems interesting. Are you saying you can transmit
> power better than
> a direct connection?
No, I merely noted that MORE power could be transmitted through the air then 
when the same load is attached to the delivery wires, but this happens at a 
cost of delivery efficiency. In the following jpeg
On the left primary side 60 volts inputs inputs 332 ma for an apparent power 
input of 19.92 watts. The wire resistance on both primary and secondary being 
140 ohms, the I^2R losses on the primary will be 15.43 watts. If the primary 
configured as a series resonance were to have its theoretical Q factor 
determined by X(L)/R realized, both the apparent power input and the resistive 
wattage would be identical, but this seldom ever occurs so we note the "acting" 
Q factor that the real components can deliver. One must realize of course that 
since the primary and secondaries are in mutual induction, and that the 
secondaries currents producing an opposing magnetic field 90 degrees out of 
phase with the primaries magnetic field; this of course influences the X(L) 
quantity of the primary which in the tuning of the primary, equal inductive and 
capacitive reactive currents are sought. Thus the primary tuned in isolation 
uses a different C value of identical
reactance then in the situation when an identical secondary is brought into the 
primary  magnetic fields vicinity.
     Technically the primaries X(L) value changes with the presence of the 
secondary coil as a short in which feeble currents ensue on the secondary by 
lenz law which in turn slightly decreases the primaries X(L) value. Now when 
the secondary is given its estimated C value across the former short as a loop 
of induced currents, the secondaries currents in the loop increase by its Q 
factor, which in turn further decreases the primaries acting X(L) value. Even 
further then this when the nite lite bulb is placed across the secondary LC 
induced current loop this then diverts a portion of current from that loop 
which in turn now increases the primaries X(L) value. We see here that after 
this is done whereby 26 ma is obtained across the secondaries LC currents 
reducing them to 84.5 ma, which is one quarter of the primary amperage input. 
Thus on the secondary end we have .98 watt I^2R wire losses and the wattage 
across the bulb would be determined by its acting
resistance where 79 volts  enabling .026 A would be 3038 ohms, and a mere 2.05 
watts is expended on the bulb. So we have an apparent 15 watts in and only 3 
watts out, not very efficient. It should also be realized that even though the 
coils have equal amounts of windings, that the voltage rise appearing as an 
input voltage across a load from the secondary will only take place when the 
ratio of load resistance vs secondary 140 ohms internal resistance is high as 
in this example. If a lower filament resistance bulb were chosen as the load, 
that load would no longer derive more power through the air then if directly 
connected to the primaries input voltage delivery lines. Thus this is a 
somewhat unique example when this can occur, but as noted with a great loss of 
efficiency. Perhaps if a matching 140 ohm secondary load were chosen the 
efficiency of delivery might improve... At 60 volts direct line input the bulb 
should conduct 3/4 the former currents and
only consume 1.18 watts. But we can get 2.05 watts through the air at a ~ 15 
primary  watt input.
    By initially tuning the coils for magnetic opposition as two inversely 
phased series resonances, both of the X(L) changes on each side can be used to 
tune to, and then later that C value used as the estimated needed secondary 
capacity. In that case the magnetic fields are 180 out of phase, and we further 
assume that when one side of the circuit is disconnected as a secondary shorted 
LC loop, that its responding magnetic fields are then 90 degrees out of phase 
by lenz law. Hope this explains somewhat the turns ratio paradox, and how the 
voltage to an air core secondary load is determined by load resistance vs 
supply internal resistance.

Your request to the Tesla mailing list

    Posting of your message titled "RE: [TCML] 60 Hz Binary Resonant
Primary Design"

has been rejected by the list moderator.  The moderator gave the
following reason for rejecting your request:

"Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator.

Hi Harvey,

It's time to bring your posts to the topic of Tesla coils.  Resonance
alone is not on-topic.  I believe that you're fundamentally mistaken
in looking for standing waves in wound coils.  Wire length has no
value in Tesla coil secondary analysis, and it's probably leading you
to all kinds of incorrect conclusions regarding your coils.  But
regardless, I see nothing in your recent posts applicable to Tesla

Regards, Gary Lau TCML co-moderator"

Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

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