>From Alexander:

>From Jed:
>> I must say, I disagree with the sentiments expressed.
>> I can think of lots of more compelling arguments for
>> alternative energy, such as the fact that it would save
>> tens of thousands of lives every week and prevent global
>> warming. Marginalizing some anti-western groups in
>> Arab countries would also be a benefit, but small in
>> comparison.

>> In any case, I hope the Middle Eastern oil-producing nations
>> are not marginalized, or turned into a cultural backwater.
>> That does seem likely, but I hope instead that they benefit
>> as much from cold fusion as much as anyone else, and also
>> from a renaissance in science. Naturally, I hope the end
>> of petro-dollars will reducing funding for terrorism! But
>> I do not blame Middle Eastern nations because they
>> happen to be sitting on a lot of oil and we have made them
>> extremely wealthy. I think that was a misguided thing to
>> do but it was our fault, not theirs.

> how is this not politics, no matter how well intentioned?

I realize your comments were directed to Ed Storms. Nevertheless, I
feel compelled to add my two cents:

Indeed, Jed's comment -IS- political in nature.

So what?

IMHO, I personally do not feel that Jed should have been singled out
for a temporary time-out for infractions many of us (myself included)
were responsible for instigating. Jed scrupulously avoided
participating in any of the ideological mud-slinging that ultimately
caused Mr. Beaty to instigate a temporary ban.

Jed's recent political Middle East commentary has, IMO, nothing to do
with the spate of ideological mud slinging within this discussion
group. Therefore, Jed's commentary shouldn't be linked, nor should his
recent post be singled out as punishment for something he was not
responsible for causing. Jed shouldn't be punished for our sins.

Jed has also been a Vortex-l member far longer than I. In my own view
there is a certain level of seniority that should give one additional
privileges of getting away with a certain degree of infractions,
especially if such "infractions" are performed wisely. Some,
especially newcomers, might think it is unfair of me to suggest or
encourage such an unleveled playing field be allowed to play out
within Vortex-l. If so, I don't care. Life is full of arbitrary rules.
Live with it.

I suspect most of us realize that it was the "grok" persona that was
the source of the recent problems that ultimately caused Mr. Beaty to
enforce the recent ban. Jed had nothing to do with this. If the "grok"
persona had not decided make Vortex-l another pigsty for him to wallow
in does anyone seriously believe that any of the recent time-outs
would have been necessary? Jed understands posting etiquette. Jed
should not be penalized for following net etiquette. The "grok"
persona, however, was clueless. He clearly got what he deserved.

Make no mistake about it. I fully realize that in the end, Mr. Beaty
is god. It's up to Mr. Beaty to decide what goes and what stays within
Vortex-l. He can make any decision he wants when it comes to enforcing
the rules, evenly or arbitrarily.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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