On Jun 15, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Kyle Mcallister wrote:

--- On Sun, 6/14/09, Mike Carrell <mi...@medleas.com> wrote:

There is no 'try to understand' of many of the caustic things he's said about workers and the average man. Now everyone is going to try and candy coat things. I'm sorry, try someone else, this is not going to gloss over what has been posted and IS IN THE ARCHIVES.

I haven't done anything to advance CF that I know of, and as far as I can see, there is no cause to advance. The thing is roughly as dead as it was years ago, and still no one can heat a cup of tea for someone. There are other things to be done to benefit humanity, this is not the save all and end all of everything.

Where have _you_ been when I suggested things to look into as far as scientific research goes?

Kyle, in the absence of Jed, I feel it's my duty to educate about cold fusion. If you want to know what has been learned up to 2007, I suggest you read my book "The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction". If you want to learn what is going on now, I suggest you go to www. LENR.org. The field is growing rapidly and the effect is getting much more reproducible. In addition, money is actually going into the efforts from private sources. Active discussion about the subject has moved to the CMNS discussion group where you would discover a lively interest not handicapped by trolls. So when you say, "The thing is roughly as dead as it was years ago", you are not up to date.



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