>From Steven Krivit:

> Any or all of us could take responsibility in helping to
> maintain the effectiveness and integrity of the list.
> I was not acutely aware that RELIGION and POLITICS were
> inappropriate subjects here until this recent flare-up. I,
> of course, thought they were OT, but tolerated.
> Now if the word from our sponsor (Bill) says that, in
> fact, RELIGION and POLITICS are inappropriate here, then
> I won't hesitate to jump in and remind someone about that
> if I notice it. Nor should anyone else, IMO.
> Once the reminder is placed in the thread, a yellow (or
> red) flag is raised. The person is reminded that they have
> the option to move the thread over to the other forum.
> Simple and polite. If they don't move it, or they argue,
> they're bucking for a ban.
> It is our way of helping Bill to provide this service for
> us. This is how community works. We make and abide by
> certain rules and we collectively support them.
> Yes?
> Anybody else agree with this?
> Anybody else willing to help watch the list for (purely)
> RELIGION and POLITIC threads? (I presume that threads about
> energy politics are acceptable.)
> Steve

Steve, I'm under the impression that some participants continue to
debate whether politics of any kind are acceptable within vortex-l
prime. If so that would mean many of your valuable contributions would
be considered inappropriate as well.

I have just posted another topic, a proposal to consider the creation
of a new discussion group, Vortex-LoT [VoT] for the specific purpose
of discussing OT views that may have possibly originated within
vortex-l prime [Vo]. But with one major difference from [VoB]: The new
[VoT] group would be where the same netiquette rules apply. Please

"Discussion/Debate: Creating [VoT] to handle OT discussions"

And please feel free to comment, pro or con, on the matter.

I'm just trying to find out if some might think that such a proposal
could turn out to be a good solution...or not.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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