Welcome back, Jed.

I'm hoping for clarification, too, on the appropriateness of discussion
regarding the political management of CF, vs the appropriately banned
general political discussion.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:jedrothw...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:46 PM
To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:I'm back

I am back, but I think I shall refrain from posting messages until 
Bill Beaty has had time to mull things over and clarify his policies.

Regarding this kerfuffle, I wrote to Bill:

". . . If you decide to permanently move the standard toward 
apolitical postings only, I do not think I have anything worthwhile 
to contribute.

A person running a web page or discussion group has every right to 
change the standards or focus of the discussion. If you were running 
a discussion on Japanese grammar, for example, I might well 
participate. But if you decided to limit the focus to early-Edo 
period Japanese (circa 1600), while that is a perfectly legitimate 
topic, I know little about it, so I would withdraw."

Regarding the Washington Times author James Robbins, he told me he 
was serious and not sarcastic about cold fusion.

- Jed

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