Good observation Bill. The magnetic field is completely expelled from a 
superconductor. Uo=zero

The electric field is completely confined. e0 = infintie The range and strength 
of the two fields is a function

dimensions of the superconductor.

As you stated Bill, a static field induces a current. Symmetry is restored to 
the laws of electromagnetism.

The superconductor is a macroscopic elementary particle. Circulating currents 
are pinned by

placing deflects in the superconductor. These defects pin the circulating 
currents to the superconductor.

Pinning must likewise attach local fields to the stationary quantum states. In 
an electron

this pinning discontinuity exists at the classical radius of the electron. The 
transitional quantum state

releases the grip of the pinning discontinuity. The electromagnetic flux then 
flows strongly and at range.

The other forces must also flow strongly at range. An analysis of the spectrum 
of hydrogen (in IE this Sept) has shown that one more thing must be added to 
adjoin all of the force within the superconductive relationship. This thing is 
vibration. The frequency of the vibration depends on the size of the 
superconductive structure. The constant is 1.094 million metes / second. The 
vibration releases the grip of the pinning discontinuity. The amplitude of the 
vibration determines the probability of transition.

Then, maybe I’m wrong.

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