The problem is people believe that their learnt or innate prejudice exceeds
evidence and logic, indeed most people seemingly have been raise to be
entirely comfortable deceiving themselves.
In fact I have come to the following conclusion, the most important
qualities in a human are:

Logic - few people use it
Truth - most happy to believe a lie
Research/Inquiry - few bother to investigate a subject even if their life
depends on it

By having integrity in thought and by seeking out more information then
everything takes care of it's self as every other important thing can be
generated by logic and research and this includes ethics/morals/love/unity
or good nutrition or any other important thing.

Another thing and I guess most here don't lack it, it is odd to me how few
people seem to have a real purpose in life beyond basic procreation and
recreation and even many who do pour great amounts of effort and genius and
risk do so for things that are kinda pointless like sports or climbing a

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 1:35 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> John Berry wrote:
>  Is it 20 v or 20v?
> 20 V (capital V).
> Alexander Hollins wrote:
>  seriously, did everyone NOT get drilled on significant digits in
>> measurements?
> Nope.
> I learned it in primary school, and I thought everyone else did too, but
> alas they did not. People missed many other lessons, such as the fact that
> replicated experiments overrule theory. It is astounding how many
> distinguished scientists, including Nobel laureates, do not know that.
> Huizenga is a prime example with his famous conclusion:
> "Furthermore, if the claimed excess heat exceeds that possible by other
> conventional processes (chemical, mechanical, etc.), one must conclude that
> an error has been made in measuring the excess heat."
> I used to think he knew perfectly well that can't be right, and he was
> being hypocritical or trying to bamboozle the public, but I now think he was
> sincere. The people who agree with him are also sincere. That makes our job
> harder. I would rather deal with scoundrels than fools.
> - Jed

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