Michel, I understand that power measurements are not made while the superwave is on. The superwave is only used to load the cathode and start the reaction. Production of over 30 watts while applying less than 1 watt is so unambiguous that the ability to produce excess power is clearly proven. The issue is no longer whether excess power is produced. This has been done too many times to be doubted. The issue now is what causes it and how can the conditions be created.

On Jul 1, 2009, at 4:08 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

Hi Jed,

Congratulations for this, admitting to being wrong is such a rare
quality that it deserves a special mention, even though it should be
the norm in science of course.

One way to make energy balancing easier and more indisputable in those
Superwave experiments would be to include the waveform amplifier in
the calorimeter chamber, and make power input to that amplifier low
bandwidth DC. This would put to rest the worries that have been
expressed about phase errors in the i and v measurements possibly
affecting input power measurement.


2009/6/30 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>:
On July 3 I ridiculed Kirk Shanahan for writing:

"Dardik et al, of Energetic Technologies have slides from ICCF12 and a paper from ICCF14 (2008) posted on Rothwell's web site. In both, they show an artist's drawing of their calorimeter, which contains the thermocouples, which are designated Tcell and Tjacket. The drawing and these designations are for what is known as isoperibolic calorimetry. In the text of the ICCF14 paper, the claim to be using a flow calorimeter, but what they show is NOT
that. Isoperibolic calorimetry is what F&P originally did and were
criticized about in the '89 DOE review. Storms has written several times
that flow calorimetry is superior to isoperibolic . . ."

This refers to Fig. 1, p. 3 here:


It turns out he was right. This is an isoperibolic calorimeter. I just read
McKubre's paper in the book "Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Sourcebook"
carefully, and that is what it says. (I read it three times!) See equations
1 and 2, and: "The calorimeter is isoperibolic in the sense that two
aluminum cups constitute the calorimetric boundary perimeters at constant
temperature: the inner wall at temperature T4, and the outer wall at
temperature T5. Separating the two boundaries is a barrier of alumina powder
having a well-characterized (and constant) thermal conductivity."

The term "flow calorimeter" in Fig. 3 of the Dardik paper probably refers to the fact that the water flows through the outer jacket of this cell to maintain a constant reference temperature. I think this is a problem with
English. I will ask Dardik et al.

The situation is complicated by the fact that two independent replications
of the effect have been performed, at SRI and ENEA, and the latter
definitely did employ a flow calorimeter. McKubre: "A parallel but
independent set of experiments was performed at ENEA using a mass flow calorimeter and employing Energetic's superwave stimulus protocals and
palladium foils fabricated by ENEA." (p. 231).

I disagree with the assertion that "flow calorimetry is superior to
isoperibolic." I doubt that is exactly what Storms said. It is superior in some ways; for example, it is less dependent upon calibrations. However, isoperibolic is fine as long as you have "well-characterized (and constant) thermal conductivity." I do not know anyone who has found a problem with the isoperibolic calorimeters used Fleischmann and Pons, or Miles. But both methods have their strengths and weaknesses. I think it is best to use several methods, which is what Energetics Tech., SRI and ENEA collectively
have done.

This is a good paper and a good book. I wish it was available on the
Internet. I think it is a bad idea to publish scientific papers on paper.
All scientific information should be made available free of charge to
everyone on earth via the Internet. This is the philosophy of the PLoS journals (http://www.plos.org), and I agree, even though it costs publishers and some researchers income. Going back to the 17th century universal access to basic scientific information has been the goal -- or direction -- of the Royal Society and others. It has finally come to fruition with the Internet.

I have copied this mea culpa to Shanahan, to what I hope is his current
e-mail address.

- Jed

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