The following are photos and micrographs (3 at 40x, 1 at 100x) I took of what appear to be insect eggs on local birch trees. This is apparently fairly new to the area.

Here is a movie at 100x of what appears to be a slow moving larva, possibly still in the egg:

It is located to the upper right and very slow moving. Original scale for 100x is 73 pixels = 0.1 mm = 100 microns. Original frames were 640 pixels wide. I don't know to what width what youtube may have converted them, but the frame is about 876 microns wide, about 0.88 mm.

Fist thing that came to mind is spider mites, but I didn't see any. It is surprising to see so many eggs bunched together. Anyone recognize this?

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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