Actually I'm not sure it is silly, counter intuitive but *maybe* right.

A point concentrates charges and voltage, it might depend very much on the

However my personal believe is that the capacity is not an issue merely that
it contracts a flat piece.

I took a bayonet light bulb and put my thumb on one terminal and carefully
positioned the other terminal to be struck and sure enough a strong
discharge was felt.

Putting a small bit of wire on the terminal to draw the arc killed the

The capacitance there must be tiny.

So I took a piece of AL foil and used that to draw the arc despite having a
larger capacitance it manifested the effect only weakly.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence <>wrote:

> John Berry wrote:
> > I connected a signal generator to the secondary and hung the
> > oscilloscope lead in the air, that is how i found the 760-ish khz
> frequency,
> >
> > I am not willing to run my scope near or even while the TC is running
> > currently as I have no power line conditioners.
> Eh -- good point.  You did say something that implies you're running the
> TC from the AC line, which I hadn't quite picked up on.
> Hmmm -- I don't suppose you've got a computer somewhere in the house
> which is on a UPS?  I'd think any garden variety UPS could run a typical
> scope for a good useful length of time fully disconnected from the wall.
>  (Of course you're not supposed to operate them that way -- should
> always be grounded, so the instructions say -- but what the hey, last
> time I tried yanking the plug out of the wall on a UPS it worked just
> fine.)
> >
> > The shocking sensation isn't constant however it is only on the initial
> > establishment of an arc.
> Ah hmmm.....  Does that make sense?  It seems like it might make sense.
>  Initial arc establishment is when the voltage must be highest, and that
> means the capacitor between the two terminals is most fully charged.
> (Which may not have anything to do with it, of course.)
> >
> > I found this on nerve response:
> >
> > /Now, for the Great Insane Shocking Signal Generator Experiment of 1997:
> >
> > WARNING - I disclaim safety of repeating this experiment!  Do at your
> > own risk!!!
> > I connected a variable frequency sinewave generator to an audio power
> > amplifier, which drove a step-up transformer. With one wet hand, I
> > touched the two high-voltage-side terminals of the transformer. With the
> > other hand (insulated), I varied the voltage and frequency the first
> > hand was getting.
> >
> > Results:
> >
> > Low audio frequencies 80 Hz and less seem most shocking.Now, for the
> > Great Insane Shocking Signal Generator Experiment of 1997:
> >
> > WARNING - I disclaim safety of repeating this experiment!  Do at your
> > own risk!!!
> > I connected a variable frequency sinewave generator to an audio power
> > amplifier, which drove a step-up transformer. With one wet hand, I
> > touched the two high-voltage-side terminals of the transformer. With the
> > other hand (insulated), I varied the voltage and frequency the first
> > hand was getting.
> >
> > Results:
> >
> > Low audio frequencies 80 Hz and less seem most shocking.
> > As frequency was increased above about 80-100 Hz, the burning/pain
> > sensation decreased but the "tingly" shocking sensation did not lose
> > much of its intensity until the frequency reached 500 Hz. Roughly at
> > that point, the shock began to be less intense in all ways as the
> > frequency was increased further. It was noticeably less intense at 1 KHz
> > than at 500 Hz, and a fraction as intense at 5 KHz as at 500 Hz. At 20
> > KHz, there was almost no sensation of shock at voltages where lower
> > frequencies are painful.
> > As frequency was increased above about 80-100 Hz, the burning/pain
> > sensation decreased but the "tingly" shocking sensation did not lose
> > much of its intensity until the frequency reached 500 Hz. Roughly at
> > that point, the shock began to be less intense in all ways as the
> > frequency was increased further. It was noticeably less intense at 1 KHz
> > than at 500 Hz, and a fraction as intense at 5 KHz as at 500 Hz. At 20
> > KHz, there was almost no sensation of shock at voltages where lower
> > frequencies are painful./
> >
> > Based on that I'd say my shocks were probably lower than 100hz and
> > certainly lower than 500hz
> >
> > Also while I am aware obviously that points have lower capacitance and
> > leak more ion wind it seems that the fact that the other end was a wire
> > point anyway and the distance between the TC and arc point would make it
> > seem unlikely that the tiny capacity difference could explain it
> > especially when the tests showed than the size of the grounding
> > electrode didn't change anything.
> And yet, I thought you had observed that the shape of the electrode did
> matter -- did I misunderstand that?
> I'm not sure the difference is tiny, in any case. Unfortunately when I
> attempted to figure it out using a quick trip to Griffiths followed by
> some careful reasoning I arrived at the conclusion that replacing a
> point-and-plate capacitor with one made of two points (same separation)
> would *INCREASE* the capacity which is just silly.  Maybe this is
> Nature's way of telling me it's time to go to bed.

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