Roarty, Francis X wrote:
> Horrace-  My mistake, It was Steven's comment I took offense to when he
> made inquiries without reading the references and then remarked "I'd
> like to see some of your terms defined a bit better before I take
> time to read your blog or look at animations." I stopped answering his
> questions when I read that and then saw your comments this AM in a
> similar vein and just assumed the same author. 

I'm sorry if my "demands" that you define some terms offended you, Frank.

But rather than accusing me of being unwilling to take the effort to
understand your theory, *you* should just take the effort to actually:

 -- define your terms

 -- provide the formula you've derived for dt/dtau

 -- provide the formula for the alleged contraction

 -- provide the formula for the transform you're using which leads to
those values

 -- tell us what event horizon you're talking about

Can you do that?

Absent any equations or definitions of your terms, your theory appears
to be little more than word salad.

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